Sunday, June 13, 2010

Brutal day, great Celtic music and the usual -- you know, the usual Open Air Museum stuff.

At about a quarter 'til one on Sunday morning, I had a pint of Bitter in my hand, a stomach full of mussels, and was listening to a half-dozen musicians, some New Albanian locals and others from far-away Ballyfermot, all of them playing and singing together in the corner at Bank Street Brewhouse.

It's the little things that make it all worthwhile.

Saturday was a long, brutally hot and deathly humid day with far more in common with the equitorial rain forest than an ideal Southern Indiana day in June. Obviously, the Celts on the River show went on as planned in spite of the heat and a strictly personal level of annoyance with utterly non-communicative local powers that be which might have hit even higher on the Rog thermometer than the scorching surface temps; evidently, transparency ain't nuthin' but a four-syllable word that no one ever bothered to learn in school 'round here.

But please, let's accentuate the positive.

I crossed my fingers and NABC vended slightly more beer than last year while the great music was performed. Yes, the crowd seemed a bit down, which was understandable given the weather, but it was undoubtedly a successful event, and will be back in town next year. We may well have a tradition on our hands, but to preserve it, there needs to be a higher level of grassroots support on our side of the river. How we achieve that -- if it even is achievable -- I really don't know.

As for the usual local politician watch: Ed Clere and family were there. I saw Diane Benedetti and Pat McLaughlin (city councilpersons), and as always, searched in vain for Steve Price, Dan Coffey, Burger King and King Larry (who still believes he's a local politician). If I missed someone, please let me know. Gads -- a free concert, no tax monies extorted from them people, and still Professor Erika did not attend. Perhaps the inhaler tube got blocked with sticky tobacco bile.

By the way, in light of my experience yesterday, I have a question and follow-ups for the mayor at the coming mayoral forum on Wednesday, June 16:

Can we have fresh locally brewed craft beer down there at the waterfront for the approaching 3rd of July celebration, or is that one of the events arbitrarily selected to patriotically honor multinational swill?

What about the other events and how the city plans to treat 3-way supplemental catering permits?

Does anyone at City Hall know what 3-way supplemental catering permits are?

Is there a game plan for the decision-making process to award access to vending by the river, or is it a chaotic variation on the Oklahoma land rush?

Can you explain how the bidding system works?

Thank you.


  1. Roger, do you have a link for New Albany's Master Plan?

  2. Jeff, do you have a link for New Albany's Master Plan?

  3. Not the Main Street Corridor Plan

    I'm looking for a city wide plan.

  4. I'm not sure about a link, Jameson, but I think I've got a printed copy stuck in a box somewhere. If I can find it, I'll share.

  5. The Riverfront Amphitheater Committee heartily agrees with you about the success of the Celtic Festival this weekend. We have been working with the Celtic Fest Committee throughout this year to ensure that the hard work of the Celtic Board and their team led to a successful event. We were very pleased with the outcome.

    The Riverfront Amphitheater Committee is anxiously waiting to hear the results of your Wednesday Brewers Meeting that occurred earlier this month, so that we will know when the New Albanian team is available for Friday and Saturday events at the Amphitheater. As we discussed in May and early June, we hope that you have several dates. We are committed to supporting our locally owned businesses giving them the opportunity to be present at the New Albany Riverfront Amphitheater. All performers and vendors are scheduled through the Riverfront Amphitheater Committee, so we are ready to add the New Albanian to our calendar, which contains performances through September. Would you be available to meet this week to confirm a schedule? Thank you for your help and support in making the Riverfront a fun place to be.

    Shelle England
    Chairperson, Riverfront Amphitheater Committee

  6. Apologies for any delay. Apparently I misread.

    It had been my understanding that the committee generally has ruled autonomously as to which of its amphitheater bookings are appropriate for "regular" catering choices and which ones are not, even if this duality of formula has remained obscure, and that the committee would be suggesting selected bookings suitable for our future vending presence.

    Consequently, I will touch base again with NABC's team members to collect their opinions about events suitable for craft beer.

    I've also contacted our Indianapolis alcohol regulation lawyer to ensure that NABC's "i's" are dotted and "t's" crossed.

    That's because the state's alcohol laws lie outside the controllable domain of either NABC or the various committees, and when we have an approved supplemental 3-way catering permit, we must be cognizant of our legal responsibilities lest our buttocks -- not anyone else's -- are taken to the woodshed for a good old-fashioned country hiding that might affect our overall licensing status. I just feel safer this way.

    I will gather all relevant information and report back ASAP. Thank you very much, and we look forward to dispensing NABC beers to even those folks who may not appear, at first glance, to be capable of enjoying them.

  7. Thank you for your quick response.

    We are looking forward to sitting down with you to discuss the events that you feel are best suited to the New Albanian products.

    Shelle England
    Chairperson, New Albany Riverfront Amphitheater

  8. Mrs. England

    I think the events schedule this year is great. My family and I have tried to attend as many events as possible.

    Something that I would love to see at the riverfront is the Louisville Orchestra.
