Monday, December 03, 2007

Bring out your holy men: Cappuccino on a roll as the council meets tonight.

Tonight and December 20th.

That's it for the current incarnation of the common council of the city of New Albany, and more than anything else, any consideration of attendance must be weighed by the same precepts that would govern a decision on whether or not to sit in the bleachers at the next to last Tampa Bay Rays home game during another 95 loss campaign.

Is it possible to like baseball that much?

Meanwhile, our local beat reporters provide the background for tonight's meeting, first with a strange Gang of Four-splitting proposal to refit the sewer board:

Sewer board is topic of meeting; New Albany ponders appointment process, by Dick Kaukas (Courier-Journal).

After debating the issue last month, tonight the New Albany City Council again scheduled to consider changing how sewer board members are appointed.

Last month, the council gave preliminary approval to an ordinance proposed by Councilman Dan Coffey giving the mayor the authority to appoint a board of three or five members.

This can only mean that Coffey's campaign for mayor in 2011 has started in earnest, but there's more. Over behind Door #2, and with Coffey's fear-mongering on crime remaining front and center in whatever Byzantine plot he's been concocting this week, the random appointment generator is being given another mighty heave. Dare we look?

Public-housing board could expand, by Eric Scott Campbell (News andTribune).

City Councilman Dan Coffey has proposed expanding the New Albany Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners from five to seven members, a matter that could be voted on at Monday night’s meeting.

Looks like the Rays are starting some guy called up from Double A ball so he can make the final notch on his pension. The mascot's batting cleanup. The meeting agenda is here.

Sorry to disappoint yet again, but I’ll be listening to John Fogerty perform new tunes and Creedence songs at the Louisville Palace tonight as a guest of my buddy Jerry, but rest assured that council meeting attendance (finally) will resume on the 20th. After all, I wouldn't want to miss the token faux gold watch awarded to Slippery Larry, the tearful farewells, the Bronx cheer, and other assorted mementoes of the concluding atrocity.


  1. Roger,

    Mark and I will cover tonites show.

    However, there'll no excuses for the Dec. 20th meeting as I'm gonna be out of town for that one.

    I'll be sitting outdoors at the Stone Brewery in Escondido, CA, drinking Stone Smoked Porter and feeling guilty about leaving you stranded with the duty.

    But what the hell. The Speakeasy is open late!

  2. And why do you think he wants to expand the housing authority board? Could it be a tactic to get rid of Bob Lane? All I can say is if they find a way to fire Bob, it's going to cost them a bundle

  3. Eco Warrior said:
    All I can say is if they find a way to fire Bob, it's going to cost them a bundle

    Why should they fire/not fire him and why would doing so cost them?

  4. you ever heard of political paybacks, I have heard Bob is a target and believe me his contract is real solid. He knows what he's doing.

    They arent playing with an amateur in Mr. Lane,besides Bob has done an outstanding job there

  5. I met Mr. Lane this evening for the first time and I was impressed.

  6. Bob Lane has a heck of a parachute clause with his contract, in answer to Bluegill's question.

    He has done a good job.
