Tuesday, December 04, 2007

At View From the Highway: "And Behind Door Number Three We Have ... "

City council coverage follows courtesy of Lloyd at View From the Highway. I hope he doesn't mind our republishing the complete report.

Take it away, Highwayman.


Boys & girls, we've almost done it. This episode is in the books and we have one more to go! Dethrone the King day is December 20th!

There was a stellar standing room only crowd present and suprisingly a majority of the same people where in agreement on three seperate issues. Those being against the latest incarnation of The Gary's kingdom expansion, against CM Coffey's attempted assassination of the New Albany Housing Authority (he tried but failed to paint it as the international hub of the world's cocaine trade and exploitation of our senior citizens), and remarkably to me, supportive of the 3% plus 1 increase in pay for the police department.

Personally, I began to get real nervous when I realized that the room was chock full of lawyers who still had their jackets on & buttoned and their neckties intact.

During comments from the public, several souls, including some of those lawyers, stood to address the NAHA issue armed with both testimony and data to counter Dan's attack.

There were two citizens groups representatives who spoke eloquently about McCartin's half conceived plan for his latest project on Charlestown Road. His first attempt got shot down 9-0 by the Planning Commission. The second one passed that entities muster with a 6-3 vote but the neighborhood still ain't buyin' it.

Then came a lone speaker to defend the police department and received a rousing round of applause from the audience upon completion. Oddly enough, Larry didn't pound a hole in the table with his gavel although I fully expected it.

Then followed comments from city officials in which Mayor Garner warned the Council to think long and hard about reinventing the Sewer Board wheel and Bob Lane rose to defend his staff, his organization, and himself. He came with a convincing array of stats and refutes to Coffey's accusations. He also got applauded when finished.

Mr. Haub rose to give a history lesson on the events from 2005 forward leading up to the stalemate in contract talks between the city and the police union, most of which I had never heard before.

CM Coffey tried his best to ruffle both the Mayor and Mr. Lane on these issues but to no avail. He just wasn't having a good night at this point. Bob's responses to him were reminiscent of Attorney Fifer's comebacks to Dan during the Sewer Rate increase debates. (and dummy me forgot my camera this evening.)

The salary increase ordinances for both police and city officials passed 8-0 on first reading. (CM Schmidt Wasn't present)

The NA Housing Authority amendment failed with 5 nays & 3 yays with Coffey, Price, & Blevins voting in favor on 1st reading. Suprise, suprise!!

McCartin's offering failed 1st reading with 7 nays & 1 yes (Coffey again). That one did surprise me a bit, but I soon got over it. The Council suggested some changes to the plan to be brought back to them for their reconsideration prior to the 2nd & 3rd reading.

Dan asked for the second reading only of the Sewer Board ordinance so further study could be done by other Council members before the Dec. 20 meeting. As usual, Coffey, Kochert, Gahan, Messer, & Zurschmiede banterd back & forth about ancient history for a period of time but eventually the vote was called for and it passed 5-3 with Jack, Kevin, and Larry saying NO!

Although it was long and good beer was not to be had this night, it was entertaining to watch CM Coffey's face glow like Rudolph's nose in a snowstorm!

As I've said, I won't be here for the last torture session of 2007 so I fully expect some one or more of you to pick up the slack.

Oh by the way. Before anyone says it, I'm well aware that using first names can be construed as showing disrespect for the position and I still don't care. If the foo #@its and all that rot.


While we're on the topic of the city council, here's something you don't see every day, especially in New Albany: An at-large councilman-elect using a blog to interact with readers and constituents - and with comments enabled, for heaven's sake (Steve Price, are you reading?)

Twenty Nine Days and Counting, by John Gonder (Gonder for New Albany At-Large):

At any rate, this is a call to write your letter to Santa Claus. I certainly can't help with the delivery of the perfect gift during this season of giving. What I have in mind is, "what do you want your City Council and Mayor to bring you for Christmas?" Or, "what is the gift that will keep on giving in the new year, and beyond?" There may only be 22 shopping days 'til Christmas, but there are only 29 tabula rasa days left before the new city government commences.

Check it out, and if you have something to say ... tell it to the incoming councilman. He actually reads and usually answers.


  1. What a night. The meeting lasted past 10. I left shortly before the end, when Mr. Coffey decided to just offer the 2nd reading of his desire to change the make up of the Sewer Board, instead of the announced 2nd and 3rd.

    Speaking of Mr. Coffey and geothermal energy. (Oh, I hadn't mentioned geothermal?) I have a geothermal heating and cooling system in my house. It is very efficient, green, etc. If we could just figure out how to "bag" the hot air coming from Mr. Coffey, our energy problems would be solved. At least in the winter.

  2. Good one IAH.

    My offer still stands for you to be a contributing voice over at VFH.

    You write it and I'll publish it. We'd double team them much as NAC & BG does.

  3. NAC,

    Thanks for the exposure and feel free anytime to do so.

  4. Lloyd,
    I'm holding out to see what kind of other offers might come in!!

    There may be a "staff" opening at FOS. Fiscal Democrat may need someone to help push the delete button. HB may desire to evolve into a Hannity and Colmes type of blog.(maybe evolve was not the best choice of words) I tell you, the possibilities are endless.

  5. Also, the Shadow has crept into pitch black darkness and seems to need someone to hold the flashlight. John Manzo may need, uh, uh, John doesn't need any help. Heck, the Tribune may even be interested.

  6. Iamhoosierhighwayman? It has a certain ring to it.
