Friday, November 02, 2007

A new Rorschach inkblot for dollars and sense?

First, the good news. My wife’s English cousin is safely here, and she may be making the rounds of pubs by Friday afternoon.

Meanwhile, and not unexpectedly, the city council voted last night to endorse the Anna Plan for redistricting a mere five days prior to the November 6 election.

My powder blue zoot suit’s being tailored as you read.

As we await further developments, here is an example of how far apart perceptions can be. The generally reliable originator of NA Shadow Council bats leadoff, and says:

Break Me Off a Piece of That. bup,bup,bup

Please remember the names of Coffey, Price, Schmidt, Crump, Gahan, Blevins, and Kochert when the city has to come up with as much as $200,000 to take care of the mess they created. Only Coffey will be an elected official for sure, and only Price and Gahan might be in office, but all 7 are responsible for this irresponsible act and breach of their fiduciary duty.

The transgendered academic pretender at Freedom of Speech sees it differently (duh):


R-07-39, proposed by Councilman Jack Messer was defeated by a 6-3 vote. This resolution for the pending lawsuit would have cost the taxpayers $5,000.00 plus court cost.Thank you to the following six council members who voted against this and saved the taxpayers money.

What was that I heard Steve Price saying … something about penny wise and pound foolish …


Jeff Gillenwater said...

One truly amazing factoid in all this is that as recently as two weeks ago, Jeff Gahan admitted to me that he was fully aware that Kochert and Coffey had lied throughout discussions of the suit, saying that they did it all the time, and that Coffey had threatened his own lawsuit if they touched his district.

And then he voted in favor of their deceit.

He has a tremendous amount of preelection explaining to do to anyone in the 6th district who takes the notions of equal representation, fair elections, and general honesty seriously.

Iamhoosier said...

I am not an expert in these matters but I would be very surprised if the court does not order the city to pay the plaintiffs costs, even if the court accepts the Council's plan. It may be less than $5k but I would think not substantially less and then there is the danger of much higher costs if it goes to trial. Attempting to "save" a thousand or two and risking paying, possibly, 10's of thousands is not good bet. Of course that is just my layman's opinion.

G Coyle said...

It does seem nearly impossible for the council "has-beens" to admit they're wrong, on this issue or any issue. Being able to admit defeat is the flip side of being honest? Well, I've rarely observed less integrity in a political body than our council. I will be sorry to see this redistricting suit drag out and cost more money.

edward parish said...

Can someone from NAC put together a list of candidates that they are endorsing before we go to the poles on Tuesday?


The New Albanian said...

Ed - my endorsements will run on Sunday.