Monday, March 26, 2007

Well, at least he has that in common with Jerry Seinfeld.

As of Tuesday morning, it will have been three full weeks since the previously effusive 3rd district incumbent has had anything at all to say at his “My Peculiar Vision” blog.

In unrelated news, Wal-Mart says that a Chinese tanker vessel’s recent grounding on an uncharted Pacific atoll has led to critical shortages of cheaply outsourced political clichés. The world’s largest retailer suggests that politicians in need of an immediate fix should consider endlessly recycling previously used clichés until new shipments arrive from India.

1 comment:

  1. On the other hand, K-Mart is well stocked.

    On aisle 2, they have a blue light special on a "a chicken in every pot".

    They have 99% off on "Tippecanoe and Tyler too".

    Finally, 2 for the price 1, "Read my lips".
