Monday, March 26, 2007

It’s because people like me frighten people like her.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, vilification is the sincerest form of obstructionist flattery.

As a prelude to what follows, it is helpful to recall that Vicki Denhart, the author of “troglodyte’s revenge,” known locally as the Freedom of Speech blog, has spent the past two years posing pseudonymously as a male academic during the course of frequent slanderings and slimings obsessively directed at her apparently numerous enemies.

Erika’s primitive gurglings are periodically humorous, commonly misdirected, and always cowardly, but now the charade has escalated to a new level since Ms. Denhart declared her candidacy for an at-large city council seat. It has yet to be seen whether she will don mock male professorial garb during scheduled campaign appearances, if any. At least she’s using her real name (so far) in signing the required paperwork.

At the end of a recent, characteristically pointless recitation of fire department longevity pay statistics, which led to another in a series of anguished wails in opposition to modernity, Ms. Denhart/Erik/Erika wrote:

"When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, listen to Roger Baylor."

Readers are free to judge the veracity of the Vickster's assertion, with only one helpful comment from me.

Factual, lawful or otherwise, I sign my name to what I write.

‘Nuff said, my dear Erika.


  1. Erik/Erika obviously doesn't believe her own axiom. More often than not she has neither the law nor the facts right (nor on her side), and yet she still refuses to rely on you, Roger.

  2. The fact that her site is "for the little people", and those same people are not allowed to make public commentary regarding her posts, add into the mx the fact she/he was outright busted copying word for word a blog from another state, all talk with no action or strength of character to stand up for what she/he says, or publicly make it known that it is her posing as another, not only takes away any credibility that she/he may have, but makes her a perfect shoe in for our current and hopefully outgoing council!
