Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My esteemed colleague will be along shortly to guide you ...

On Sunday, I devoted some time to straightening NA Confidential office, so to speak, rearranging the blog in the parent company’s new modular layout format. It’s easier to use, and it looks better. There’ll be a few more changes when I get around to it.

On Monday, all my unused drafts went up on the marquee as posts. That’s a signal to Bluegill to get ready for action, since he’ll be performing chief editor’s duty for a few days.

In turn, that’s because today I’ll be having outpatient surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder, something that has been in need of attention for quite a while. Too many curve balls? Too many progressive pints sounds more like it.

I’m quite eager and willing to follow my surgeon’s orders to the letter and get the rehab under way so there’ll still be a bicycling season for me this year – even if it doesn’t start until June. I’ve been grounded off the bike since January, and it’s just depressing having to drive to work every day. People simply shouldn’t have to do it.

So, I’m taking a break from my various jobs and hobbies, and turning over the weathered soapbox to my co-editor. Take it away, Jeff …


  1. Good luck! I am sure Steve P. will be by with some flowers and a get well soon card!

  2. Best of luck to you Roger, and a speedy recovery!

  3. Thanks to all who've called and written today. The councilman still hasn't come by, but that's okay. I neglected to send him an X-mas card.

    All seems well at present. I've started to do the loosening exercises and will proceed to physical therapy tomorrow morning.

    The bad news, such as it is, has to do with my surgeon observing more degenerative decay of my left shoulder than expected, which means that the long term prospects for relief are more limited than previously believed. Odds are good that the right shoulder's headed the same way.

    But it is what it is, and I'll ride as many miles as possible and see what happens. It would seem that my days of lifting beer kegs are finished.

    I've folded the surgery into a slack period at work, meaning that I'll be taking ten or so days off and sticking close to the house. no beer for a while; seems that it wouldn't mesh with the painkillers, the street value of which has me considering using barley wine as the prescription and vending the pills to finance summer travel.

  4. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Maybe you should ease off on the workout routine, maybe to half-pints for a while, while the shoulder heals.

    Have fun with the surgery, and make sure they give you the good pain pills. ;)

  5. Does this mean that DICK STEWART could now beat you up?
