Saturday, January 27, 2007

Six syllables of squirm … but could you do it as a waltz next time?

“We all do 'do, re, mi,' but you have got to find the other notes yourself.”

--Louis Armstrong

Can there be any remaining doubt that NA Confidential writes the set list and dictates the tempo of the 3rd district's ongoing civic debate?

Consider this strange, plaintive moan emanating from the incumbent's assisted writing center:

Perception Management


The New Albanian said...

Thought I might take the day off. Silly me.

Highwayman said...

Say What??

Jeff Gillenwater said...

Would it not seem pertinent to most reasonable people to follow a statement such as "...let us not forget the facts they are eluding" with a list of facts that've been eluded?

Highwayman said...


Tommy2x4 said...

ummm...i'm not a master of the english language, so could somebody decipher that post on that link???

Iamhoosier said...

All right, here we go again.

What is so hard about deciphering what he meant? He is saying, " "

I think that I am agreement with the majority this time!