Friday, January 26, 2007

The first wave of 2007 candidate filings, and a reminder of my rules of voting engagement.

Add to DISTRICT 1 (Precincts New Albany 1, 2, 17, 21, 23)
D Theresa Timberlake


Courtesy of the Tribune, here’s a list of first-day filings.

As a reminder to the candidates, you may submit detailed, substantive platforms to NA Confidential as a prerequisite for securing my vote in the forthcoming elections. In case you missed it, here are the guidelines:

Mr./Mrs./Ms. Candidate: Just in time for the filing period, here are my modified rules of voting engagement.

Therefore, lacking a potential challenger’s clear public articulation of intent and of discernable content -- no back room deals for me -- I propose to sit on my hands come Election Day if these strategies and goals are not forthcoming. Expediently selling out to the least objectionable bidder no longer fits into my grand scheme of ethical voting conduct. Now, the stakes are raised. You must earn my support against the primeval empire, both within the 3rd council district and as applicable to citywide races.

Here are the current aspirants.

MAY 8, 2007
(Precincts New Albany 1 through New Albany 29A)
DEMOCRAT James E. Garner, Sr
DEMOCRAT Larry Scharlow

(Precincts New Albany 1 through New Albany 29A)
D Marcey J. Wisman

(Precincts New Albany 1 through New Albany 29A)
D Jack Messer

(Precincts New Albany 1, 2, 17, 21, 23)
REPUBLICAN Richard Berryman

(Precincts 16, 18, 19, 19A, 19B, 22, 29)
D Bill Schmidt
R Harry T. Harbison

(Precincts New Albany 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11)
D Maury Goldberg

(Precincts New Albany 12, 13, 20, 24, 25)
D Pat McLaughlin

(Precincts New Albany 26, 27, 27A, 28, 28A, 29A)
R Richard “Dick” Stewart


The New Albanian said...


Anonymous said...

Fear not my loyal plebeians, for it is I your graciously affable Oligarch, the consummate commander of the grand high convocation! Sing of me your exalt in bearing witness to my paramountcy, so my ears may drink of your adoration.
Yeah, verily my name is not amungst the hopefuls for the balloting as of yet, but lose sleep not, My name shall reign supreme on the lips and felt tip markers of all constituents in my kingdom of four.For I cower from no election, no poll, no ballot. For my position is so great my presence is beyond the contestation of any challenger to my position, high and mighty as it is.
Exitiosa reice quaeso malumque arce!!
--Upremesay emperorway Arrylay

John Alton said...

Well...The "poo" part is right anyway! Someone take the bottle away from the full of poobah...maybe he inhaled too much cigarette smoke....should have voted on that darn ordinance poo. Funny you should call it a "convocation"'ve got one pissed off preacher on Ealy St, and in two meetings as "grand poo" you've managed to cause a race rift within the NAFD along with completely ignoring the Community Montessori School. It's more like a 3 ring circus. Being grand poobah..poohead..or whatever, doesn't give you power supreme to ignore the basic civil rights of people like the right to be heard...freedom of speech.

Anyway to those that matter,

I may be re-considering my bid to remove the crown of the King, or the horns of the poohead. I saw in the paper where Pat McLaughlin has filed for the 4th District Council seat. I understand, according to the Tribune, that he ran the last time and lost by only 30 votes to the exulted one. Me...I'm an unknown...except for the people who read these blogs, and possibly a little word of mouth, and those who just know me, and hopefully now by one grand poo..too. I do think that I have some good ideas, alternative untried ideas, and a new approach. But, too many people running for the same office, and presuming it's against an incumbant (as he said he hasn't filed yet), may defeat the purpose and actually give it to the incumbant. It ain't gonna be that easy. I haven't heard anything about what Pat McLaughlin's ideas are, but if we could unify the ideas of both of our campaigns, because I have people who agree with me on issues, and I'm sure Pat does too, a unified campaign with Pat as the candidate might just be enough to win. So, I am willing to step aside, not file for office...this time, and place my full support and efforts behind Pat, if Pat would be willing to consider including some of my ideas in the mix...maybe like the monthly town hall meeting between council meetings, to keep constituents informed and up to date and to hear their concerns and respond to them. I don't have any contact information, or any info on Pat for that matter, but I would like to get this message to him and see if he's interested in joining forces, combining ideas, to win this thing. I will add just one thing for the poobah to think about. I may not run in the Primary as a Democrat, but, if you manage to slip past Pat this time, it won't be a free ride in November. I can pull a "Joe Lieberman" and run as an Independent. But as for now,
I will continue my efforts concerning the 15th St. CSX track situation by trying to get our Senators and Governor to try and get CSX to either repair or stop running trains through the city. I think maybe even the grand poobah might agree that this is a worthy cause to work for. I will also stay in contact with csd619 concerning the company on Silver St., possibly contacting the owner with an alternative money making idea for the open space he perhaps turning it in to an industrial park setting like the Park East area, which would create jobs in the area, bring new business to the park, create a safer environment for the residents that live in close proximity to his company, and he could collect thousands in rent from multiple businesses rather than just one toxic, un-healthy one.

The New Albanian said...

John, there's always at-large to consider. The more voices for progress, the better.

Anonymous said...

Not an easy decision to make, how well I know.
But as you stated until you are able to firmly establish your name as an advocate for the district, and become commonplace in all of the neighborhood associations of the district, all we would be doing it taking away votes from the top challenging candidate.
I feel fairly confident that I could carry most of my precinct, on name recognition from the fights against the Solid waste district, CCE inc, and the neighborhood association meetings. But in a precinct where there are not a lot of registered voters who exercise that right.
I will see if I can attempt to contact Mclaughlin, get an appearrance or two at our neighborhood association meeting, see if I can get some postings from Mclaughlin on my blog as far as campaign platforms, and see if we can't add about 50 votes or more to the tally.

The New Albanian said...

Greeting, supreme poo-bah.

Exalted as your status may be, you shall be bound by NAC's anti-anonymity clause. Your future postings assuredly will be subject to the executioner's/editor's axe without rendering identity to the senior editor.

You know what to do and when to do it. Over and out, rex.

edward parish said...

Funny, it looks like some of the same names that have loitered in the political arenas of NA for many a year. Thought I would see new names from the progressive team wishing to challenge conventional wisdom of the way the local government is being run.

Iamhoosier said...

I think that you still have time to move so that you will be able to vote for DICK STEWART.

G Coyle said...

John, I'm disappointed you are wavering. Local elections must move toward issues, not popularity. What you've written so far I've seen has been incouraging so I hope you will stay in the race. It's not "can I win"...but "do I have a platform". How 'bout a simple 5 point plan? How 'bout a ONE point plan? Anything but nothing again!!

The New Albanian said...

Ed, we'll be mounting an insurgent independent campaign after the primaries.

Soon as we select a proper color, that is.

Iamhoosier said...

We have to agree on the shape of the table first!

John Alton said...

Gina, you're right, and I appreciate the encouragement, but Roger has put a thought in the mix too by mentioning the At-Large seat, and that has some very attractive prospects. I will make a decision by Monday. I want to talk to Randy Stumler, who has left a message on my machine (yes I do return, to see what kind of..if the party will give me. Hey...I still have the filing papers and all I have to do on the line that says what office I'm filing for, is add "At-Large" after City Council, which I have already written in.

John Alton said...

Go "INDY"!