Sunday, September 18, 2016

Impending crosswalk anchor mania: "Someone realized, why stop at street signs?"

Thanks, J.

"(HWC's Jim) Rice even demonstrated how crosswalks can be beautified and made more noticeable -- something we've constantly been told isn't feasible."

Judging from the photo, Rice got the memo -- wait, what's that sound? Could it be City Hall's "branding" mechanism about to shift into high gear?

Let's hope someone thought to properly lube the TIF Love Gun.

Meanwhile, there'll be a two-way streets public meeting tomorrow night. As of 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, City Hall has not bothered publicizing the meeting on its own web site, so we turn to the Courier-Journal for relevant details.

New Albany officials will host a hearing next week for the public to view plans and ask questions about changing some one-way roads downtown to two-way streets. The public hearing will be at 6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19 at New Albany High School, 1020 Vincennes St.

Following are some of our thoughts.

11-ft traffic lanes: Speck's not talking about NA's lane width cave-in, but he might as well be.

Institutionalized counter-productivity: The apparent goal is to tear down these brand new signs in less than a year.

ON THE AVENUES Now for my next amazing conversion trick (KABOOM!!!) – look at those pretty windows on Schmitt Furniture.

Two-way streets for bicycles, or just cars? Jeff Speck's downtown bicycling proposals have been declawed by HWC Engineering. Why?

Two-way streets in NA: Why is the stated protective aim out of sync with the calendar of tolling reality?

Astonishment: Some caveats, some exceptions, but HWC Engineering recommends two-way street reversions for Spring, Elm, Market, Pearl and Bank.

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