Monday, February 15, 2016

The monthly merchant group meeting is Tuesday, February 16 at the Harvest Homecoming office.

The e-mails have been circulated.

Our Upcoming Merchant/Business meeting will be on Tuesday February 16th at 8:30 am at the Harvest Homecoming office, 431 Pearl St, New Albany.

Included is a list of ribbon cuttings and an anniversary.

Brooklyn & The Butcher February 16th, 4 pm
The Dance Studio February 26th 5:30 (Anniversary)
Doris Hampton Photography March 4th 5pm (The White House)
Gospel Bird March 8th 4:30
Green Earth Outdoors April 8th

There was no time listed for Green Earth.

These monthly downtown merchant meetings have been taking place for five years, maybe longer. As noted previously:

"Everyone is invited and as always, we do our best to hold our meetings to no more than one hour.

"These meetings have proven very beneficial and well attended. If you have not attended, please consider doing so ... it's a great way to 'stay in the loop,' meet your neighbors and be informed.

"We always meet on the 3rd Tuesday morning of every month at 8:30 at a different location.

"Please note on your calendars our 3rd Tuesday meetings at 8:30 am."

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