Friday, February 05, 2016

Arts and Cultural District: Team Gahan lapped again by Jeffersonville.

Sadly, among the artists set to populate Jeffersonville's cultural district is Michael Wimmer, formerly doing good work in New Albany.

Last summer, his departure was explained.

Gahan now open to covert art discussions, but still no public comment on two-way streets.

This was around the same time that Warren Naps was fighting to keep pianos off New Albany's pristine, monster-truck-ridden streets, at least until the piano's backers politely recalled that there is a proper order for art installations in New Gahania: One pitches the idea of campaign donations first, and only then speaks to the actual project itself.

Think of it as the gentle art of the kickback. That's real Nawbany culture, son.

Yep. One headline, multiple uses: Team Gahan, lapped again. 

A CULTURED CORRIDOR: Jeffersonville to create arts and cultural district downtown, by Elizabeth Beilman (Jeffersonville Evening News)

JEFFERSONVILLE — There's not much on Michigan Avenue. The two-and-a-half blocks in downtown Jeffersonville are mostly home to concrete and empty buildings.

" ... Right now, we have people that come off the [Big Four] bridge and they go around Spring Street and they make a loop to the river and they come back, and they don’t go much further," Jeffersonville Public Arts Administrator Dawn Spyker said.

City officials are trying to change that.

The goal is to transform the corridor into an arts and cultural district, a walkable connection between booming Spring Street and the soon-to-be-developed Gateway property at 10th Street.

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