Sunday, January 10, 2016

Free at last, Coffey launches New Albany Flat Earth Prayer Party.

Earlier today, the newspaper played catch-up.

Boilerplate aplenty as Coffey's defection arouses heroic words of meaninglessness from Democratic officials.

What could be more appropriate for a flood plain than a flat earther?

Modern flat Earth societies

The Flat Earth Society's most recent world model is that humanity lives on a disc, with the North Pole at its center and a 150-foot (45 m) high wall of ice (Antarctica) at the outer edge. The resulting map resembles the symbol of the United Nations, which Johnson used as evidence for his position. In this model, the Sun and Moon are each 32 miles (52 km) in diameter.

In both the primary and general elections, Dan Coffey ran for city council unopposed in 2015. As the new year dawned, and with his fresh four-year term commencing, suddenly the "sleepless nights" led to an epiphany ... and a newfound status as "independent."

Coupled with the Democratic Party's perennial disinterest in the 1st District -- they's always let Dan be Dan in return for Riverview Towers each election cycle, and so what if the West End languished in the Third World? -- the net effect of Coffey's calculated somersault is to disenfranchise it completely.

Welcome to boilerplate, New Albany-style. Remember last year, when those highly principled Democrats might finally have walked the walk?

ON THE AVENUES: This is Dan Coffey, New Albany’s quintessential Democrat.

Matt Nash on Dan Coffey: "His views are backward and repugnant."

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