Sunday, January 24, 2016

Crawford: "Why the water situation in Flint should matter to us all."

As a friend remarked: "Has anyone thought to have the water tested in a few different places in New Albany? Our plumbing is older than Flint's."

That's so cynical. After all, we have something Flint doesn't, an veritable ace in the hole sure to reassure you: Indiana American Water.


Kudos to Eric Crawford for this essay. On Facebook, I made a remark that might be construed as patronizing, to the effect that whenever sportswriters actually address important issues, we must congratulate them. This sentiment might have been phrased more elegantly, but I stick by it. Perhaps I'm jaundiced, having seen so many local sportswriters unable to grasp reality outside the games. By any standard, Crawford succeeds here.

CRAWFORD COMMENTARY | Why the water situation in Flint should matter to us all, by Eric Crawford (WDRB)

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The water turned to poison in Flint, Michigan, and why should the rest of us care?

It’s not our water. It’s just another tale of government incompetence at best, apathy or dishonesty at worst. And we’ve grown all too accustomed to that. We all have our own tales, no matter what corner of the country we come from.

But here’s why I think it should matter to us. It’s yet another example of a widespread trend in this country.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, a great piece of writing and spot on.
