Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Here are the city council candidate questions for the League of Women Voters "debate" on Thursday, September 24.

Previously, as Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas performed graceful somersaults in their respective vaults, we took a look at the League's questions for mayoral candidates this Thursday.

Here are the mayoral candidate questions for the League of Women Voters "debate" on Thursday, September 24.

City council candidates also are invited to the Taj Mahal of Silver Street, and they have their own purpose-written questions.

Will Dan "Copperhead" Coffey attend to debate himself? We can only hope.

If anything, the council questions are more insipid than the mayoral ones.

What are the top priorities for your district, and how do you rank them in order of importance?

Many changes have taken place in the last four years. What changes did you support or what would you have done differently if you were on the council?

In the 2016 municipal budget, what city improvements should be funded?

Working with eight (8) other council persons will be a challenge, especially if they are determined to see their priorities for their districts through. Are you willing to seek compromise with them and that of the administration to show results and move the city forward?

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