Monday, February 02, 2015

John Rosenbarger plays for the Patriots?

I always thought Benedict Arnold was a better analogy, but we play the rancid hands we're dealt. Let's take a look at the Top Ten Reasons John Rosenbarger Is Pretty In A Pink (Slip).

Seeking to avoid termination, poor ol' Rosenbarger goes full Orwell and claims Main Street potholes as "successes."

Main Street Deforestation Project: If John Rosenbarger's lips are moving, chances are he's lying about traffic diversion. Here's why.

Ooh, ooh ... Main Street also needs some gold-plated spigots for watering the flowers in the median.

ON THE AVENUES: Really, the word “progressive” embarrasses you? That’s okay, because political cowardice disgusts me.

ON THE AVENUES: Egg, meet face: How many different ways can we botch the Main Street Deforestation Project?

Geppetto wept as Rosenbarger seized the microphone.

Jeff Speck on John Rosenbarger's 12-ft wide Spring Street traffic lanes: “A 12-foot lane is a 70 mph lane."

Answer the question, John Rosenbarger: Can Jeff Speck's ideas work here, or not?

Ranting on John Rosenbarger's fundamental contradictions in the aftermath of an atrocious day in the neighborhood.

On the Rosenbarger planning conundrum, and FAN Fair, here I come.

1 comment:

  1. Dough Boy Gahan would never fire The Rasputin of Redevelopment, every Tsar needs his own Rasputin.
