Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Quite possibly the only reference to Florida Georgia Line you'll ever see in this space.

I'm a lifelong fan of creatively rendered written bile, and so this album review is immensely pleasing to me. Granted, I'm not a "country" music listener (we must always be wary of broad categories), though contrary to my reputation, I can find much to enjoy in it, especially when the music's traditional roots and folk veins are on display.

I wouldn't have imagined Florida Georgia Line to be something I'd appreciate. In this hilarious dissection, I've learned why. Or, as my pal Paul wrote: "These guys REEK of Bud Light, Roger."

The source blog comes with a thought-provoking mission statement: "When a culture's music is lifeless, that culture is bound for more trouble than just having nothing decent to listen to."

Yes, indeed.

Florida Georgia Line’s “Anything Goes” is the Worst Album Ever (Saving Country Music)

... And talk about going to the cliché well too many times, there’s a song on this album called “Angel” that I kid you not is built around the often sarcastically-used pick up line “Did it hurt when you fell from the sky?” Any woman who hears this line coming from any man has my personal blessing to immediately spray them in the face with mace and knee them in the nuts. The idea that these knuckleheads think that this line is “sweet” just speaks to the depravity of self-awareness they suffer from in an irrevocable degree.

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