Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New Albany's new slogan: "Truck Through City" ... Part 44: The weekly Board of Works edition.

Last week, the Board of Works ventured the first of what are sure to be dozens of after-the-fact attempts to correct the multitudinous design flaws of Rosenbarger Allee, a.k.a. the Main Street Disprovement, Deforestation and Semi Trailer Non-Diversion Project by slapping a 25 m.p.h. speed limit onto the muddle.

Let's reiterate a point from yesterday's post, which took the novel position (for Nawbony) that proven traffic calming solutions from all across the country might even work here -- that is, if allowed to see the light of day by gatekeepers with shriveled imaginations.

... Many experts think it’s not as simple as changing the speed limits. Charlie Zegeer, project manager at the University of North Carolina’s authoritative Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) says, “Research shows that lowering a speed limit doesn’t work to slow traffic– it’s the roadway design that affects the speed.”

Oops -- that's strike 18; looks like Rosenbarger's out.

Meanwhile, the parade of merrily speeding tonnage continues. Enjoy the view.

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