Saturday, April 26, 2014

Coming in June, the NABC World Cup Trilogy for 2014: USA vs. Ghana, Portugal and Germany.

For devotees of "traditional" American team sports (baseball is the author's choice), every fourth year brings a reminder that most of the rest of the planet begs to differ. They call it football, we call it soccer, and the 2014 World Cup coming to critical mass as the 100th anniversary of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination (and the subsequent outbreak of World War I) strikes me as perfectly symmetrical.

More happily, it provides my brewery with a second opportunity to tailor small batches to the occasion, in the form of the World Cup Trilogy. There will be numerous venues for watching the action, but how many of them will be brewing three entirely new, small-batch beers to commemorate the USA squad's opening matches?

The details can be found at NABC's web site, and there'll be more as we get closer. First, there's this little Houndmouth show in May to cater.

NABC World Cup Trilogy for 2014: USA vs. Ghana, Portugal and Germany

Has it really been four years since NABC’s first World Cup Trilogy beer series, as minted by former NABC brewer Jared Williamson (now brewing with Schlafly in St. Louis)?

Yes, it has, which means that NABC will repeat the Trilogy in 2014, with three fresh new beers – each meant to honor the three national football squads facing the USA in Group G of the opening round: Ghana, Portugal and Germany.

Beginning on June 16, 2014, the beers will debut as the American squad’s opening matches are played.

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