Monday, February 17, 2014

The symposium was a success, and the coffee break's over. Back on our heads.

I spent Friday and Saturday in Lexington, Kentucky, for the occasion of the Craft Writing symposium. It was a blast, and I'm honored to have shared billing with some real heavyweights in the craft beer world.

Is it finally time for my long-awaited memoirs?  Those with long memories will recall the projected title: “Beer, Bile and Bolsheviks: A Fermentable Life." There has been no more time to write it, but a boy can dream.

Not so simple a symposium.

It isn’t often that two A-list highlights from one’s entire life occur in a single weekend, but it can happen. In fact, it just happened to me. Both memorable moments came about because of the craft writing symposium held in Lexington, Kentucky, on February 15.

The lesser of the two came on Saturday afternoon when keynote speaker Garrett Oliver called me out by name (“Mr. Baylor”), to contest a previous bullet point I made about two eighteen-wheelers filled with craft beer, passing each other on a lonesome prairie interstate highway, headed for opposite coasts.

Would the drivers even know to wave amid the widening carbon footprint of their payloads?

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