Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Dickey: "As Democrats, we are committed to electing fair-minded leaders who support a responsible agenda to move our county, state and nation forward."

Incoming Floyd County Democratic Party chair Adam Dickey was nice enough to send me a copy of the official party press release explaining its quadrennial leadership selection, and so here it is its entirety.


March 3, 2013

NEW ALBANY - The Floyd County Democratic Central Committee announced new officers elected during their quadrennial reorganization meeting in New Albany earlier today. Adam Dickey was elected to serve as Chairman for the next four years, Stacy Deck was reelected as Vice Chair, Sarah Bonifer was elected as Secretary and Shane Gibson was elected as Treasurer.

“I am excited and honored to serve alongside my fellow Central Committee officers as we continue the critical work of improving our community and forging a strong, vibrant Democratic Party in Floyd County,” stated Dickey.

“As Democrats, we are committed to electing fair-minded leaders who support a responsible agenda to move our county, state and nation forward. We will welcome those with new ideas who would like to be involved in our work for the first time, and also recognize the valuable asset we have in our experienced Democratic supporters,” added Dickey.

At the meeting, precinct committee members also honored retiring Chairman John Wilcox, Secretary Anthony Toran, and Treasurer Doug England for their service to the local party.

Biographical information on the officers is below:

Adam Dickey – Chair
Adam Dickey brings extensive experience to the position of Chairman having served in local government positions, as a congressional aide for former Congressman Baron Hill, and on several political campaigns. He graduated from Indiana University Southeast with a B.A. in Political Science in 2000. From 2005 – 2009, he served as Treasurer of the Floyd County Democratic Central Committee and in 2010, he was elected President of the Floyd County Democrat Men’s Club. Dickey has also held positions in the Young Democrats at both the local and state levels, and currently serves as Parliamentarian of the state organization. Dickey is a member of the River Hill Economic Development District and Regional Planning Commission, the New Albany Rotary Club, and the New Albany Redevelopment Commission among other organizations. He lives in New Albany with his wife April and son Ashton.

Stacy Deck – Vice Chair
Stacy Deck was first elected to the position of Vice Chair in 2009. Passionate about improving her community, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in education from Indiana University-Bloomington, and Masters and PhD degrees in social work from the University of Louisville. She is a graduate of Leadership Southern Indiana. Deck is active in the Metropolitan Housing Coalition, and serves on the Board of Directors for the Coalition for the Homeless and the Emerging Workforce Initiative. Stacy and her husband, Steve Wirth, live in Edwardsville and have four children.

Sarah Bonifer – Secretary
Sarah Bonifer works as a preschool teacher and has a Master’s Degree in English from Indiana University-Bloomington. Self-described as a “political enthusiast,” Bonifer previously worked on political campaigns and served as Secretary for Jeff Gahan’s successful 2011 Mayoral campaign. Bonifer is a resident of New Albany, where she lives with her husband, Eric Condon.

Shane Gibson – Treasurer
Shane Gibson is a licensed attorney in Kentucky and Indiana with over 10 years experience in all phases of litigation. He received his law degree from the University of Louisville and undergraduate degree from Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne. Gibson has served in several local government positions, including as a Floyd County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney and Corporate Council for the City of New Albany. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for Life Spring. In 2010, he ran for State Representative for District 72. Gibson lives in New Albany with his wife, Shannon, and three children.

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