Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Gonder: "The Tree Board will plant 150 Chestnut trees at Binford Park."

I guess John's went and broke the NA political family tradition ... planting trees instead of cutting them. Erika is sure to be outraged, at least between smoke breaks.

Tree Planting October 20, 2012

With the week ahead still a clean slate, as people plan what to do for next weekend, I'll offer the following suggestion. The suggestion is one which can truly and positively change our little plot of earth for decades to come.

The Tree Board will plant 150 Chestnut trees at Binford Park. These starts are cross-bred, disease resistant trees ( American Chestnuts with Chinese). The trees have been secured by Bryan Slade of EcoTech as part of that company's plan to plant 10,000 trees, 1,000 a year for 10 years to celebrate the company's anniversary.

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