Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Romney apple landing fairly far from the tree.

All along, Mitt Romney's flip-flop waffling has seemed to me an extension of the sacred and periodically correct business axiom, "The Customer Is Always Right." It's nothing new to base one's political campaign on telling voters what they want to hear, whether the sales pitch is contradictory or not, although Mitt's pitches are noteworthy for the sheer bottomlessness of their lies and contrivances.
Romney Is Attacked by His Father’s Longtime Aide, by Michael Barbaro (The Caucus blog at New York Times)

A longtime aide to George W. Romney issued a harshly worded critique of Mitt Romney, accusing him of shifting political positions in “erratic and startling ways” and failing to live up to the distinguished record of his father, the former governor of Michigan ...

... “While it seems that Mitt would say and do anything to close a deal – or an election,” he wrote, “George Romney’s strength as a politician and public officeholder was his ability and determination to develop and hold consistent policy positions over his life.”

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