Monday, August 20, 2012

Inappropriate Bill Clinton in a meme that really matters.

Consider this a public service for those readers (how many?) not residing on Facebook. In the past, I've been critical of those on social media who post photo after doctored photo, seemingly unable to express their own points of view without resorting to another's creativity.

Today, I emulate them, and not because of my eagerness to point to the absurdity of Vladimir Putin's prosecution of a punk band. This already has been achieved with consecutive Trotsky/Pussy Riot posts.

It's because this meme is the funniest single thing I've seen on FB the entire year. What makes the gag work? Neither the look on Bill Clinton's face, nor Barack Obama's resignation. It's the aide walking behind Clinton, who's thinking of the movie Caddyshack.

Whomsoever the comic graphic genius, I congratulate you.

1 comment:

  1. This non resident on Facebook appreciates your thoughtfulness.
