Tuesday, August 21, 2012

GOP buffoon Todd Akin: What's next, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"?

I really loved this Todd Akin fellow on "BJ and the Bear."

What's that? Oh, right. Claude Akins. Dead since '94. Never mind.

But seriously, while we all know that today's typical Republican "leader" favors turning back the clock, setting the timepiece in the 13th century is impressive, indeed.

Next stop: Pleistocene.
'Legitimate rape' – a medieval medical concept; The idea that rape victims cannot get pregnant is a very old medical theory, by Vanessa Heggie (Guardian)

 ... The idea that rape victims cannot get pregnant has long roots. The legal position that pregnancy disproved a claim of rape appears to have been instituted in the UK sometime in the 13th century.

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