Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ohio River Bridges: Centuries of transportation perspective.

Due to rising fuel prices and other costs, TARC is having budget issues again. Routes are threatened and fare increases have been deemed necessary. Hoosiers are trapped again as our state is a minor player owing to its paltry contributions.

Indiana provides TARC approximately $1.2 million (less than 2% of its total budget) annually for transit service in the Hoosier state. TARC typically subsidizes the remaining costs of the service from other funds.

If Indiana doubled its commitment to $2.4 million per year and then agreed to set aside an amount equal to its share of the Ohio River Bridges Project to pay for it, the doubled TARC obligation would be covered in full for more than 500 years.

If Indiana only set aside what it has agreed to pay for the Drumanard tunnel and East End approach in Kentucky, it would cover the doubling of TARC funding for more than 300 years.

Likewise, if Indiana provided 10 times as much transit funding annually, the Bridges amount would cover its TARC obligation for over 100 years. The tunnel and eastern approach amount alone would cover over 60 years.

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