Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bob Caesar's commute is about to get easier.

We at NAC advocate that the road on Spring Street hill should be tolled in perpetuity to help finance repairs. No matter that it is an existing piece of infrastructure. Also, bicycles and walkers should be able to avoid tolling by traveling under their own power, which is a wonderful cardiovascular statement.

Only in this way will those laboring under CM CeeSaw's pre-conceived notions even begin to understand the implications of matters ranging from bridge tolls to personal fitness.

On the other hand, when perception is purely optional ... well, never mind. He'll never, ever get it, will he?

Spring Street Hill Road repair to begin around June 1, by Daniel Suddeath (News and Tribune)

NEW ALBANY — Since last November, a plan to repair and reopen Spring Street Hill Road has been on hold.

On Tuesday, the New Albany Board of Works and Public Safety gave final approval to proceed with the project, as work is expected to begin around June 1 on the road that connects the city’s West End with Silver Hills ...

... Councilman Bob Caesar, who sponsored the council measure and is a Silver Hills resident, said the reopening of Spring Street Hill road will be a “big deal” for the community.

“We just wanted to make sure this was done once and done right,” he said ...

... City officials firmly stated their intentions to install and enforce vehicle weight limits for Spring Street Hill Road.

“I’d even recommend a camera on that hill to keep heavy trucks off of the hill,” Caesar said.


  1. I've lived around here for well over 30 years and don't remember ever using Spring Street Hill. I understand why it may be a "big deal" to the residents up there but don't understand how it is a "big deal" for New Albany. Could someone explain that?

  2. How about this: Without Silver Hills, CeeSaw could not be elected.

    Does that help?

  3. Now that we know costs of approximately $1,000 per foot are perfectly acceptable for little used passages, we should all start designing our own far busier streets accordingly.

    I'm sure Bob will support the same level of expenditure for our neighborhoods, right? And when do we get our cameras to document the thousands of speeders a day?

  4. For the record, a fairly equitable spending pattern would indicate about $8.7 million for my street. That's based on distance. If we base it on usage, it goes up. How soon can we get started?

  5. My family has been tallying the wasted expenditures on the road that should have never been built for I think about 60YEARS now. Wow. 60 years to get it done once and get it done right.

    This road is really just the perfect metaphor for the last 60 years of political folly in NA. Full disclosure, the land for Spring St Hill was taken by imminent domain way back from my family. The old streetcar line that topped the hill, and which my GGGrandfather paid for just didn't appeal after cars took over. So they just ran a road up along side the street car line. It was stupid engineering then and now. It's not the only "golden" road we have...Spickert Knob road is another poorly engineered road the county will spend anything to keep open. The old Stagecoach trail it superceded is still useable. Apparently geology or physics or hydrology are not subjects for learning here? What a government full of idiots. They can't build a single proper road, but they'll all now qualified to develop massive riverfront housing... you have to laugh.
