Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Biblical truth may be YOUR truth, but it isn't mine. Discuss.

Boy, did they discuss. I posted the following at Facebook, and we were off to the races.

Biblical truth may be YOUR truth, but it isn't mine. That's what the Constitution's all about, and why fundamentalists correctly sense that the gay marriage debate is about far more than just that one, specific issue. What it's really about is a nation drawing ever closer to dispensing with the fiction that the law for all is somehow "dependent" on one religion's holy book.


Matt Nash said...

Bill maher on Conan last night said Bachmann Perry and Cain all said God told them to run for far God is 0 for 3

coachsullivan said...

Maybe God was 3-for-3 and didn't want fools like that representing Him...set them up to be seen for the false prophets they were.