Monday, December 05, 2011

O magnum mysterium ... back about 1977.

I heard "O magnum mysterium" (Tomas Luis de Victoria, 1572) this morning on 90.5 FM, and it utterly floored me. Maybe it was the rain and the seasonal blahs, but what a sucker punch! Recollections of my bass part are fading after almost 35 years, but the many fond memories of high school choir came rushing back. Thanks yet again to Mick Neely for teaching me this music.


  1. "Words are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones in the right order, you can nudge the world a little." Barry Bernson's farewell speech took this quote from the playright Thomas Stoppard and was used as his closing. I don't write this comment directly toward this post, but to your writing in general. I may not always agree with your views, but I always read because you show respect for the written word. I appreciate that, especially given the general quality of writing today, and just want to say thanks for doing your part to keep the bar raised.

  2. I have fond memories of singing this as part of the FCHS A Capella Choir in 1977 and 1978. I'll never forget the concerts at St. Mark's Church! I echo your thanks to Mick Neely!

  3. Thanks, Stephen. Writing is a strange compulsion, indeed, and it helps to know someone is reading.
