Tuesday, December 06, 2011

2011 Highlights & Lowlights: Free at last, free at last.

Another fevered dream ... wait, it actually happened! ... posted on May 7, 2011.

As 2011 draws to a close, I'll be looking back at a few prominent stories.

For jubilant residents of the city's long-suffering 3rd district, the May primary provided abundant relief, with two-term Uncouncilman Steve Price being handily dispatched by newcomer Greg Phipps. Like we'd been saying all along, Price simply could not survive a two-way race in the primary. In the November election, Phipps easily defeated his Republican adversary, Jameson Bledsoe, and after eight long years, the 3rd district awoke to the prospect of genuine representation on the council.

The final city council conclave of 2011 takes place on Thursday, December 15. Who'll join me in issuing heartfelt goodbyes on that evening?

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