Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stand up comic with a hidden agenda.

In his letter to the editor, Floyd County Republican Party chairman Dave Matthews tactfully (?) refrains from mentioning names, but we imagine he’s peeved at Jack Messer, Scott Blair, or perhaps both. That’s because the two independent candidates (for mayor and 6th district council, respectively) probably will take far fewer votes away from the Democratic front-runners in their races than from Matthews’ own handpicked candidates -- and remember how few Republicans actually declared in advance of last spring's primaries?

The world’s smallest violin is playing a tasteful lullaby. Yawn.

Candidates should be who they are

Voters, watch out for imitators! I already know of two cases where our “independent” candidates would have you think of them as Republican candidates ... unless, of course, you happen to be a Democrat. Telling you that they are the Republican candidate is not the truth.


  1. The last time an independent ran for Mayor was Phyllis Garmon and she did in fact split the republican vote up with Ken Keilman. The Messer campaign for mayor may not have that same effect. He is going to have some support from the FOP and the Scharlow faction of the Democrat party.

    I dont think he will draw enough votes away from Gahan to claim victory for himself or the Republican however because I believe Gahan will have the margin he needs, but his entry as an independent does complicate the process for Gahan.

    As I said earlier, the only good thing about Messer running is that after his defeat he will no longer be sitting at the city council table on Jan. 1st

  2. One additional thought, Gahan will need to be able to work with the Republicans because I believe the council will be a Republican majority, at the very least there will be two additional republicans: Knable and Rutherford.

  3. I'm not sure that losing Mr. Messer as a council member is good thing. At least the council member he was up until the last year or two.

    When "Mayor Fever" took a good hold of him, he faltered. Then he had his issues with the "remark" and his working another job while on sick leave from the police department.

    I'd take the "old" Jack back in a minute as council member.

  4. not me, I think he is a disgrace as a police officer and as a public official, not only for his conduct unbecoming a police officer but also for his failure to abstain form voting on ordinances that directly affected his pay and benefits as a police officer. Only recently has he abstained because he is trying to score political points.

    He should have been fired from the police force and censored by the city council. I say good riddins to jack of a lesser mind messer

  5. Nobody is perfect. Not even the "old" Jack. Still, the "old" Jack did far more good than harm. In my opinion, of course. The "new" Jack is way more of a question mark.

  6. I have not followed politics at all for about the past year and cannot really say alot about the canidates or the issues. I can say something about Dave Matthews though. Dave does an extrodinary job at being the county chair and not to mention all the help and support he gets from his wife Cheryl.As far as the article that was wrote about him I could make a educated guess to say that he probably has entertained the idea of running a Independant on the Republican ticket. If you was in his position would you? If you did not consider it your competency as chair should come into question. For a Republican to get elected in Southern Indiana is an enormous task and to enlist an Independent and to run him on a Republican ticket would be a smart move. I wish Dave the best of luck this election year. Dave & Cheryl keep up the good work!

  7. JJK, welcome. Please read the terms of engagement on the main page (scroll down on the right). Thanks.
