Tuesday, June 07, 2011

You can depend on the Courier-Journal ...

... because it ALWAYS will let you down.

Belatedly, I've noticed the many broken links in my various blogs, these being because the C-J has instituted for-pay archiving. I'm not sure how long ago, and for which content, but the verdict is the same: Henceforth, either I'll not link to the C-J, or if I do, the entire text will appear here until the toll-loving Gannett dweebs issue a cease and desist order against me.



Ric Manning said...

Links to stories on the Courier-Journal website are live for about 30 days. That's been the newspaper's policy for about five years. Most newspapers have a similar policy.

Daniel S said...

My hometown newspaper won't allow any free readership on their site beyond the opening paragraphs. It's kind of like downloading music, nobody wanted to pay for it at first but when they realized that's where they had to go to get it they coughed up the money. You can't really fault a paper for expecting reimbursement for its material, especially in a time when subscriptions are waning.