Friday, March 11, 2011

Matt is green with suggestions and videos.

Matt's column today offers simple tips for making a "green" difference. Two in particular, composting and rain barrels, are goals for my household as soon as possible. Of course, commuting by bike or on foot is a given for me, although everyone doesn't have the opportunity to do so, which leads to mass transit and another topic entirely. Matt also has posted more video from the Democratic Men's Club meeting on Wednesday night.

NASH: Is it easy being Green

Taking a few minutes out of your day to separate your garbage, turning out the lights when you leave the room, and planning ahead to keep your car usage to a minimum, are simple ways to make your household greener.


  1. ACE Hardware sells barrels that can be easily converted into rain barrels for about $10. I bought a composter instead of using an outdoor bin, but it's so easy to do and provides great compost for my garden.

    Nice column, Matt.

  2. I built a compost bin out of old shipping pallets. it's also pretty easy to make one out of an old garbage can. google either one of those and you'll find plenty how to articles.

  3. Sorry, I was logged in to my business account. The above comment is mine
