Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Clere on same sex marriage ban: It's about human rights, or not. Quit posturing.

Vote expected on same sex marriage ban;Clere among opposition (One Southern Indiana Newspaper)

If you wish to "thank" Rep. Ed Clere for voting against a same sex marriage ban, at least understand that his "oposition" publicly stems from procedural grounds, not because he's been willing to make an open, unequivocal statement in support of human rights.

Moreover, it's a miscarriage of journalism for the writer to imply anything contrarian or heroic in Clere's action, and before the Clere Channel Fluffers descend en masse to protect their chosen saint's relics, permit me to note that this issue goes back a long, long way, prior to last summer's bridges imbroglio.

If he truly wants to stand up for rights and freedoms, as in this case I believe he actually might, then he needs to state it as clearly as possible, come what may. Anything else is political gameplaying.


  1. I will call this a conditional win for now either way. Either he sticks by his vote in the future OR has to backpedal and look like a fool later.

    I still don't truly understand what "assault on marriage" means to begin with. I'd much rather assault a concept such as marriage than assault individuals. I'm sure "marriage" doesn't bruise quite as badly as women in abusive households or young men who act effeminate in gym class.

    And for Mrs. Rhoads, you are out of touch, uninformed and a pawn of your party. You've shown me no capacity for independent thought. A two-dimensional cardboard cut-out that may as well have on a name tag that states simply, "Hello My Name Is: Party Line".

    A quick look back over history will reveal that humanity evolves, the status quo changes, and hatred, bigotry and fear become obsolete. Slaves are free, women can vote, minorities have more rights every day. Gays will have marriage rights--you will be looked upon as the ones that held on too long, we're too closed minded and too hateful and scared to change the world for he better.

  2. It really is that simple isn't it?

    Anyone set on defending human rights would be introducing legislation to that affect, not dancing around a "no" vote.

  3. But, it's all about posturing -- not about the real issues. May explain the empty can of teflon spray I found at the end of the street across from Ed's house. OK, just joking about the teflon, but Jeff's got it exactly right.
