Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nash: "Bridges project — more than a numbers game."

Kudos to Matt for deconstructing the propaganda -- again. We keep pitching 'em, and the Bridges Authority keeps missing 'em. And yet clueless newly enshrined luminaries like Ron Grooms continue to tie themselves in knots to appease the Stemlerite oligarchs, going so far as to insisting that removing his own legislative input actually enhances it (Indiana may allow tolls without approval). Say what, Ron? George Orwell would have gotten a kick out of you. At least Ed Clere obeys his orders with some degree of panache.

Neither the Bridges Authority nor Ron Grooms has any clothes ... and that's scary. Let Matt explain ...
NASH: Bridges project — more than a numbers game, by Matt Nash

... Last week Floyd County’s
GOP Chairman Dave Matthews finally broke his silence and gave an in-depth report based on one side of the argument. It seems that he was invited to a Rotary Club of New Albany lunch which featured members of the Bridges Authority extolling the virtues of their project and how great it will be for our region. He gave a “by the numbers” report of what he heard, which is fine, but here are a few numbers of mine.

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