Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'll have my budget scrambled, please -- and can you hold the brinksmanship?

Top Ten Ways to Close the Budget Shortfall

10 Make all them fancy downtown bars and restaurants go away, at least until they put a damn cheeseburger on the menu

9 Open Air Museum triples price for yearly visitations, with pass outs no longer allowed

8 Laid-off policemen and firemen to set up coffee can toll booths at major approaches

7 Sell by-the-day tent space on the lawn of CM Price’s rental properties

6 Ron Craig auctions Historical Preservation Commission on Ebay, graciously kicks back 10% of proceeds

5 Get rid of all that fancy, expensive new fire equipment, just use the old ones sitting there in that nasty old Coyle building

4 My cousin Vinnie agrees to be narcotics cop at half the going rate

3 Kick off inspirational “How Low Can We Go” propaganda campaign, with Dan Coffey as namesake chairman

2 All councilwomen agree to drive a hybrid Lexus until the crunch eases

1 Bring back the Asian health spa for downtown stress relief


Indeed, living NA-style means the next crisis is never very far away.
New Albany City Council says no to plan to balance budget; City primed to being 2011 with a near $3.7 million deficit, by Daniel Suddeath (News & Tribune)

... Council members Diane McCartin-Benedetti, Dan Coffey, Steve Price, Kevin Zurschmiede and Jeff Gahan voted against the EDIT appropriation. The latest proposal — which entailed using multiple boards and funds to shift money to cover the shortfall — called for proceeds from a 2008 revenue bond to be used to pay backthe EDIT account for the $1.7 million expenditure.


  1. ...5 gol-den rings...

    Brought to you by J. O...

  2. Can't wait to hear what the next "one-off" budget fix will be...tolls on Spring Street?

  3. 0 Demolish Reisz Furniture block to make way for new downtown Dollar General Store. Spend millions on parking garage and lease it to them for $1 dollar annually.

    -1 If that's not enough to secure the deal, have 1Si help acquire hundreds of thousands in tax incentives and offer air conditioning subsidy.

  4. Jeff you are so funny with the 1Si comments.

    No not really. .

  5. If it's any consolation, Vetteman, I don't think it's funny, either.
