Wednesday, December 22, 2010

NA Exchange coming to MyBar space off Grant Line Road.

The basic facts: A new dining and drinking establishment will be opening soon just down the street from NABC's Pizzeria & Public House, at 3306 Plaza Drive, by the railroad track, clearly visible from Grant Line Road.

Ian Hall has closed MyBar, and feverishly is remodeling the space into a full servive restaurant to be called NA Exchange. For those of you who still regret the passing of Bistro New Albany, know that Ian's chef will be none other than Dave Clancy, returning to New Albany in a professional capacity for the first time since 2007.

This is great news for the Northside of town. Following are Chef Clancy's comments at the Louisville Restaurants Forum.

... We are in the process of re-tooling what used to be MyBar, right by Roger's digs. It will be a full service restaurant and bar featuring upscale but approachable cuisine (imagine BBC and Bank Street, and we fall in between that).

We are planning an extensive App/Bar menu and less entrees than at my old dive downtown with nothing over $20 but multiple micro brews (including a few of NABC's). What we are looking at doing is adding a nice dining option to that demographic just looking for a gnash or a full on dinner in a pub type atmosphere ... a "gastropub" of sorts. Projected opening is early January but you know as well as I that things often get derailed and postponed (I got hosed on many fronts opening my old place).

Regardless, this is the kind of project that I enjoy the most as it allows me to think outside the box and give folks what I believe they want and I know we can deliver. I think that Ian and I will make a great team, a great venue, and a great dining option for everyone! Thank you all for your support and wish us luck!


  1. Mariellen and I are excited about this. We used to often patronize the original restaurant started by a young man whose name I've forgotten. Believe it was called the Main Menu. We just lost "our" La Rosita on Grant Line but this a more than fair trade. Welcome back, Mr. Clancy.

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Bob Hughes?
