Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Evening News joins Tribune in condemning tolling proposals.

To quote Mr. Nash: "The Evening News gets it right."

EVENING NEWS EDITORIAL: Leave tolls off existing bridges, roads

... It’s wrong to ask Hoosiers and Kentuckians to essentially again pay for roads and bridges that have been constructed. It’s wrong for locals to be asked to pay more than half of the estimated price tag in tolls.

More than anything, it’s wrong to ask them to pay tolls when so many questions remain ...
Previously, all the way back in April, the Tribune reached the same conclusion.

TRIBUNE EDITORIAL: Bridges plan not worth any cost

However, the current consideration of adding tolls to all existing bridges is an idea we can’t support even if it means a smaller or delayed construction project.


  1. That's 66.6% of the local daily papers.

  2. I want to sing "2 out of 3 ain't bad", but it's just too much of an outrage that the C-J ed board remains on the side of the Louisville region's attackers.

  3. Well hey, when you're literally sleeping with the head of River Fields, objectivity is suspect anyway.
