Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Empty bottles as means of sovereign action -- but who gets plunked first?

Yesterday’s artlessly choreographed Tolling Authority photo-op left a universally bad impression on attendees, although, in final analysis, expecting the best in performance art from an aggregation of very bad actors is like asking one of my housecats to read selected passages from Twain's Adventures of Huck Finn.


I've gathered opinions from several quarters, from print media to Facebook. Television coverage is not included because I seldom watch local television news, but if you wish to add links in the comments area, feel free.


Via e-mail, from No 2 Bridge Tolls:

Last night’s “public input and information meeting” seemed to be more about information and less about public input. The Bridges Authority seems intent on going forward with creating a tolling authority to implement tolls on all bridges (new and existing), and possibly all junction traffic, even vehicles not crossing the bridges.

If you were unable to attend last night, you can still have your voice heard by filling out the comment form at: http://www.bridgesauthority.com/contact/

Please bookmark www.No2BridgeTolls.org to keep informed. And most importantly you need to contact your legislators. Their information is on our website and we have a template letter on the site. Please edit the letter in your own words to let the Bridges Authority know how tolling is a bad idea and what the personal impact will be. Please also visit our Facebook page and “Like” us to receive news updates. Thanks for your support of NO Tolls. Together, we can have a voice and make an impact, but we must get the message out to our legislative representatives.


An Architect’s (Steve Wiser) Thoughts On The Bridges Meeting, at The 'Ville Voice blog:

...I am a half-glass full optimist, but if tolls on all bridges is approved, I hate to say it but, I will be a half-glass empty pessimist. I hope you do not sign a death warrant for this community.


That’s right – the Bridges Authority is terrified to look the public in the eye, also at The 'Ville Voice.

They’re just going to tie your hands behind your back, cut off your feet and then pig eff you until you pass out and forget about tolls, two bridges, eight bridges, Waterfront Park, whatever. Once again, a handful of people making all the decisions for our beautiful city ... (Linked to David Morse at Facebook).


Surprise, Surprise: Small Businesses Oppose Bridge Tolls, by Scott Fluhr at the Hoosierpundit blog.

The Courier-Journal treats this as some sort of amazing revelation; it shouldn't be for anyone with a brain and anyone that has been following the issue of the construction of new bridges (plural, multiple bridges, even though only one is really needed) between southern Indiana and Louisville.


THE GREAT DIVIDE: Toll boosters and bashers have their say; Some members of the public unhappy with format of meeting, by David A. Mann (News and Tribune).


At least 150 attend hearing devoted to public input on bridges project, by Marcus Green (Courier-Journal).


  1. I read through the over 100 comments on the courier journal story. I realize it's not very scientific but I think that the 3% number that has been claimed is backwards. About 3% of the public seem to support the project as is.

  2. Thanks for the summary of media about the No tolls opposition. Today I wrote the bridges authority, cc to Rep Clere, and Governor Daniels. Thanks for your continued advocacy on this important issue.
