Thursday, November 04, 2010

Today's Tribune column: "Hardtack, humbuggery and hangovers."

It's important for me to point to those rare occasions when I agree with the exultant GOP county chairman, Dave Matthews, so here's this month's convergence. It is reported by Daniel Suddeath in today's Tribune.

Matthews said there’s already a “consensus of dissatisfaction with the city council as a whole. You don’t have to look far to see the City of New Albany needs new leadership.”
Who knows? We may harmonize yet again some time next spring. As we await that momentous occasion, here is today's column link:

BAYLOR: Hardtack, humbuggery and hangovers

... There is no uncertainty about the ultimate verdict, because by the time you read this, the eternal futility of America’s two-party power duopoly will have been reconfirmed. The same country that fought a lengthy Cold War on the sacred principle that one-party states are quite bad will have illustrated yet again that two-party states are no better.

If anyone uncovers evidence supporting the proposition that the two party system actually works, please share it with me. I’ll be at the bar, fortifying my liver for next year’s city election cycle.


  1. Your weekly articles have turned into a personal blog? Next time can you tell us when you are doing your hair, so when can get the entire affect?

  2. I don't think you read the same article I wrote, unless you stopped after the first two paragraphs.

  3. Actually I thought you read my post last night about how two parties are not better than one, and how we need to focus more on the governmental policies for the parties and less on the parties themselves.

    You just used more filler.

    When you write you have an audience unless you are writing your confessions for yourself. You must have your audience in mind, so you can convey your message which is one of the most important aspects of writing.

    Your writing style is more self-absorbing and less informative.

    If you truely want people to know about the atrocities that happen in the world you need to write in a manner that is understandable to your audience. Otherwise you are jacking off in the mirror versus making love to a beautiful woman or man.

  4. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with Derek Jeter. I'm going to give him lessons on how to play baseball.

  5. Anonymously, of course.
