Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Brief memo to candidates.

Pick up your idiotic fucking yard signs -- now.

The Open Air Museum thanks you.


  1. Speaking of Open Air Museum, I'm fairly certain your sarcasm abotu revisionist history was lost on Rebecca Gardenour in the Tribune commentary about her BFF Leann Wiseheart's letter to the editor.

    But on point, yes, yarn signs are so yesterday.

  2. I was standing there yesterday a.m. at the Boys and Girls Club pondering Daniel Short's name on the ballot. This is too much, I mused. How can someone who learned all they need to know in elementary school be equipped for public service? As he has to explain his humor after the fact, he won't be regarded as a great communicator any time soon. My bleery eyes won't fail me and I voted for others.

    Imagine my jaundiced eyes this very morning when I read that the mad-as-hell mob had drank "Concern Taxpayer's" Zyklon cocktail and elected Mr. Short to office.

  3. We keep electing people who insist that government won't work and they keep proving themselves right.

    Interesting that Mr. Short and compadres will now be in the direct business of redistributing wealth. From previous statements, should we assume they'll have no choice but hari-kari, self-immolation, or some other action appropriate in response to unthinkable breaches of protocol and the policing of thievery?

  4. dear newly elected and re-elected candidates. your ass is officially on the clock!

  5. John I had that same feeling this morning when I found out that Rand Paul was a Senator elect for the State of KY; would you hire anyone for any job with zero experience in a required field? NO! This country just gets stranger by the day. Oh well...

  6. I don't know if experience is a good thing; example George W. Bush. His father was a former president for christ sakes, you'd think that would be a plus to the U.S. citizens.

    I really don't expect any drastic changes in politics. It doesn't matter if republics or democrates are in office, either way people will still get taxed, and government will continue to expand.

    Nine years ago the department of Home Land Security was formed. Wait, that was under a Republic president? I thought that meant less government?

    People need to stop defending parties, but rather focus on changing how campaigns and the parties are run. What if the 9th district had a plurality for canadiates instead of one? What if there were three seats to fill in that district?
