Monday, November 15, 2010

Open thread: Li'l Stevie's anti-preservation, pro-community vandalism homework assignment about to reach council?

The Facebook page of the Heritage Preservation League of New Albany- Floyd County reports that at Thursday evening's council conclave, 3rd District uncouncilperson Steve Price will introduce an ordinance to dissolve the Historic Preservation Commission and to repeal Title XV, Chapter 151 (Historic Preservation).

While the meeting's agenda has yet to be released, and the scope of the purported ordinance strikes me as so bizarrely surreal as to be purpose-built for "noble" failure, it naturally would be in keeping with CM Price's decades-long, sustained assault on the virtues of his own neighborhood to conceive such a plainly destructive plan.

But ...

TWANG! It would make Ron Craig and the hovering, bloodsucking slumlord contingent quite happy (see: Craig's gallant last stand against Communism, Atheism and Historical Preservation.)

TWANG! It would increase the percentage of tips Price receives while performing senseless Karaoke at Pastimes, another recent and eager violator of the preservation codes.

TWANG! It would help fill buckets of vindictive spite and warm spit, fueling Price's ceaseless and formless anger against a scary planet.

Beyond all those, there appears to be little in this attempted kindergarten-level community vandalism homework project that actually would benefit the city of New Albany, and perhaps for that very reason, and sadly, yet again, those citizens who avoided the terrible fate of getting permanently wasted on the way must mobilize and reject the efforts of the extractive element.

This recurring brainless shit of Price's gets tiresome, doesn't it?

Feel free to discuss.


  1. Roger, we don't usually agree on much, but this post is a rare exception.

  2. The fundamental problem with the NAPC is that it has been under funded to a capacity that it has only been able to act in an authoritative manner.

    The NAPC needs a funded incentive program that can be used as a catalyst to foster a cooperative manner that will lead to better public relations.
