Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Andy Terrell on buying locally and various independent small business joys -- in the Tribune.

The Tribune's Chris Morris chats with Andy Terrell about the importance of buying local, and previews the buy local/independent small business meeting scheduled for tomorrow evening (6:00 p.m. brainstorming, 7:00 p.m. meeting; upstairs at Wick's; agenda here). Note that attendees will be able to eat and drink (a server will be on duty), and that The Big Wick will be providing a few appetizers.

Grassroots effort growing to support locally owned businesses in New Albany

... fliers tout some of the advantages of buying local — including the amount of money that stays within the community when purchases are made from independent establishments. Locally owned businesses are more likely to employ area residents and support other independent establishments, Terrell said.

“The impact is three times more when you spend your dollars at a locally owned business as opposed to a chain store,” he said.

Terrell added the movement is intended for all independent businesses, not just the ones located downtown.


  1. I understand the meeting is just an introductory meeting and more will come.

    The only thing that comes to mind when reading the article is that the meeting seems to be advertised to independent business owners only and not consumers

    I would think it's important to include or make known that patrons are encouraged and welcome to the meeting as well.

    An independent business or group of businesses can't succeed without those patrons’ support.

    I haven't seen the flyer to know if it makes mention of this point.

  2. The flyer is educational only in its purpose. It states the benefits of buying from a locally-owned business compared to a chain store. This was something done after many discussions between myself and Mike Ladd and the courtesy of the UEA Board who saw the benefit in funding this initial effort.

    It was my hope that by bringing the issue up, local business owners would see the benefit of banding together in an independent business alliance to continue a buy local effort. Fortunately, Roger took the initiative to set up a meeting for independent business owners and I'm thankful that he did.

    That's what Wednesday's meeting is about, gauging interest in the formation of an independent business alliance. Nothing more, no conspiracy to keep things away from possible customers.

    The first step is education and we're doing that with these flyers. The second step is to see if we can get an IBA started. We'll know more after tomorrow evening.

    There are around 40 businesses and groups that have these flyers, RemCha. I'm sure that you'll see them at some point as you dine or shop downtown. Nearly 4000 have been printed already.

  3. "That's what Wednesday's meeting is about, gauging interest in the formation of an independent business alliance. Nothing more, no conspiracy to keep things away from possible customers."

    Not imply anyone was

    Hope things go well
