Monday, November 08, 2010

Congratulations, VetteMan, this is your li(f)e.

Readers who bothered to scan through the many comments attached to a recent post-election thread will recognize VetteMan, a screen name used by a local coward to take Roger and I to task over our supposed hypocrisy concerning One Southern Indiana. Lacking the decency to be accountable for his jabs, he reminded us (again) that he doesn't work for 1Si and is just a business person who has happily used their services, relating that the additional 1SI information he presented came from a Vice President of the organization whose name he couldn't share either, because he didn't get permission.

What he conveniently and predictably failed to mention, of course, is that getting a Vice President's permission would've been relatively simple- as simple as rolling over in bed and asking her, since he's married to a 1Si VP.

The member service jokes are just too easy, but at least now we know of whom he's personally afraid.


  1. I'm Roger A. Baylor, and I approved this message.

  2. Not my blog, so I don't get to make the call but I can still express my opinion.

    VetteMan was deceitful but I still don't think his actions called for this post. At least not under the rules as I understand them. This is skirting the rules as much as he was skirting the truth.

  3. Red Herring

    Maybe it's time to lose the Confidential part of this blog if so much emphasis is placed on the expression.

    I see nothing that resembles Mickey Cohen anywhere in New Albany either.

  4. You are right about who I'm but I would watch the coward remarks. After seeing Rogers remarks about changing the rules on the blog for little old me. I new it would be a matter of time before the Real Coward came out and told who I was.

    I will be glad to confirm who I am.

    Troy Bennett
    President Wolf Lake HOA in New Albany, IN.
    V.P Falls City Corvette Club

    And Yes my wife works for 1Si as the Vice President of Business Services. She is one of the hardest working people I know. She cares for New Albany and the members of the Chamber. She had no say in the choosing to back candidates.

    She asked me to get off the blog and out of respect to her I was. See my wife and I don't agree all the time and I did not want this to be a problem for her at work.

    Anyone that knows her knows she does not like to have conflicts with people.

    The problem is I do.

    Now there is no question who I am. I look forward to pointing out the BS you put out. We might even agree on some things but I will never have respect for you.

  5. One more thing. I never lied. My company is a member of 1Si and we use there services and are very happy.

  6. To my knowledge, Mr. Baylor did not breach any promise of anonymity, or, as some put it, confidentiality. Said identification, I believe, was derived through other sources. "Approving" this message does not constitute revealing an identity, but the senior editor can clear that up, if it matters.

    I knew who VetteMan was and Roger Baylor had nothing to do with revealing his identity to me.

    By the way, go out and buy an HP printer. The fact that my wife works for that company has no bearing whatsoever on my opinion of their printers.

  7. Yes, Troy, after six years of standing out in the open and having endless passive-aggressive, slanderous shit hurled at me by people who remain anonymous because THEY'RE afraid of reprisals -- after having my business repeatedly suffer because of the reprisals they happily direct at me even as they hide, since I'm not afraid to stand out in the open because it's the way men should insist on being about life -- yep, I must admit that it gets tiring trying to maintain a blog disclosure policy that permits this level of pure dysfunction to flourish.

    To the world: Jeff is my blogging colleague, whom I respect tremendously, and I share all policy instances like VetteMan's previous compliance statement with Jeff.

    There isn't any more to say, and the policy will change when I have time to get around to it. I cannot make the entire world functional. I can, however, tend to my/our own little patch of weeds.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to something that 1Si as an institution doesn't give a rat's ass about irrespective of its employees' good intentions (if it did, it would be manning the barricades in opposition to tolls, rather than shining Kerry Stemler's shoes), and that's helping to organize a buy local/independent business movement in New Albany.

  8. Bookseller said "Roger Baylor had nothing to do with revealing his identity to me."

    To you may be a fact but to his friend Jeff? I beleave it was. See what I know of the two of them honor is not what comes to mind. That being said, personal attacts on me are fair game. Just know you go after my family and that will be a issue with me.


    My full name is up on my Profile for all to see.

  9. To bookseller, that last part was not directed to you. Sorry.

  10. We are Woodward and Bernstein, or perhaps some would say Laurel and Hardy.

    This blog is a team. It is collaborative, as today. Lloyd would be part of it, too, if he weren't ill.

    And that's that.

  11. I retract. I did not know about the policy change, though I approve.

  12. And thus, the People's Republic Impalpable Shoe Migration begins.

  13. The NA UnConfidental.

    To be clear I followed all the rules to the blog as set-forth by Roger. I may dislike he views but would not ever try to hurt his business and I told him that the day I signed up for the blog. He knew who I was and under his rules was asked to keep it that way.

    The problem is little old Vetteman did not agree with his or Jeffs point of view. Now because of this they are going to change the rules.

    That's fine it's there bolg and as Roger said: "yep, I must admit that it gets tiring trying to maintain a blog disclosure policy" and "I share all policy instances like VetteMan's previous compliance statement with Jeff. " <~ (My request to keep my name private.)

    That proves to me he told him who I was and Jeff being the real coward I thought him to be, put this post up.

    It's funny a person that has only been on for a few weeks could show the few that read this One Sided Garbage that this is not a blog for NA as a hole but a place where you have to conform it's owners Liberal and Socialist view or your called out.

    So Roger let's see, I was doing some looking if my own today and there are a lot of your (friends/side) that does not have there name up for the world to see. Is this new rule for them also or just the few that have the stones to disagree with you?

  14. Could be, Mark, ans maybe I'm wrong about it, but I've already said my piece. It's done.

    I'm sick and fucking tired of putting my name and my ass on the line when other people hide behind their screen names and hiss.

    VetteMan said "lead, or get out of the way". He said it while anonymous. The irony is staggering, to say the least.

    I, Roger, say: "Be an adult, be yourself, or shut up."

    Sorry if that offends anyone. It is my/our blog, Jeff's my colleague/brother, it isn't a taxpayer supported institution, it exists primarily to give a middle finger to fascists ... and the anonymites who don't like it can sod off and denounce me elsewhere, like Denschak already does.

    Gee, I keep feeling better as the day goes on. Wonder why that is?

  15. Yes, prism, with impalpable probably being the key word.

    It's already refracted the conversation from cowardice to arrogance, with the whiteness none the wiser.

  16. Is this new rule for them also or just the few that have the stones to disagree with you?

    When I decide to implement a new rule, I'll judge merits on a case by case basis, just like I always have. Occasionally I'll contradict myself just because I feel like it. Yawn.

    BTW, I recommend you run crying to someone like Ed Clere or Ron Grooms one of the other 1Si endorsees. Maybe they'll plead your case to St. Daniels, and I'll be burned at the stake for the sake of ideological uniformity in Indiana.

  17. Bookseller said. "Mr. Baylor did not breach any promise of anonymity, or, as some put it, confidentiality."

    Roger said: "yep, I must admit that it gets tiring trying to maintain a blog disclosure policy" and "I share all policy instances like VetteMan's previous compliance statement with Jeff."

    I would say your incorrect!!

    Roger and Jeff,

    Now you know my name and we all know you for the Cowards you are.

  18. Roger, if you are going to quote me please be accurate.

    "lead, or get the hell out of the way"

    My name is out there and I will gladly take the lead to show everyone who you realy are. Someone that is not trying to help New Albany.

  19. I shared your identity with my business partner.

    Husbands share important news with wives, and vice versa.

    I'm a coward? No. Make the case that I'm a hypocrite, maybe. You might have a case, as I've acknowledged.

    Comes down to this: 1Si's advocacy of tolls is a dagger tweaking the skin near my business's jugular vein. If you don't think I'm going to fight something like that, seeing as I have no elected representatives who'll even take the truth seriously (so utterly and shamefully beholden to 1Si's influence peddling they've become), you are mistaken.

    It is serious. I may well lose this battle to the Stemlerites and suits and largesse. Amid the clash, sadly, there will be collateral damage.

    Welcome to Baghdad, VM.

    Actually, I like you a lot better now that you're you.

  20. Right. I'm not acting in favor of New Albant. Take the lead, VM. I'd advise using spell check before you do.

    Here's an article for you to ignore:

    Let me know how not reading it doesn't change what you already believe in the face of evidence to the contrary.

  21. The New Albanian said...
    Right. I'm not acting in favor of New Albant. Take the lead, VM. I'd advise using spell check before you do.

    Is that the same spell check you use. (New Albant)

    Roger, you keep bringing up the Bridges issue and I have said several times I would like them to build the EE bridge first and with out Tolls. I also have said everyone that I have spoken to from both sides of the River is, that this is a all or nothing plan. That is straight out of the mouth of John Y. Dem. and Mayor Jerry also a Dem.

    That's why I say if all else fails we need
    build the damn thing. There maybe tolls and if so I will be bitching every day till they come down. In the long run it will be better to have a bridge with tolls then no bridge at all.

    Our problem has been when you slam 1Si as a hole. There are a lot of good programs and help for small business that come from them. If I dislike you, I'm not going to try to hurt you unless you try to hurt me personally. Like I told you in the beginning.

    Yes , my wife works there and if you needed anything, even now she and most of the 1Si staff I know would be there to help if possible. I was trying to defend my wife and the staff of 1Si as to the good they do and have done for even you.

    P.s. My IPhone doesn't have a spell check for the entire document.

  22. Roger,
    I understand your pain, fear, and anger. Still...

    As you stated, you've said your piece. I've said mine. It's done.

  23. VetteMan,
    Do you really think that patrons from Louisville are going to pay a toll(twice)to come to SI to purchase much of anything? If there is a toll on the Sherman Minton, I think it will devastate downtown NA. Tolls on the other bridges are going to hurt all of the retail business in Clark County. I don't know what kind of consultant you are, but if it is business related, you know how even the slightest hiccup in sales for a lot of retail business is the difference between survival and closing.

    Away from retail, the citizens of SI will pay a higher share to fix KY's problem with sp. jct. Most of the jobs are over there and the working people of SI will be paying twice every day to go to work.

    For most of the citizens of Southern Indiana, the cure will be worse that sickness if we continue on the 2 bridge front. We are better off with no new bridge than two new bridges built with tolls on existing and paid for infrastructure.

  24. I'll probably be absent for a few days. Y'all play nice, now.

  25. Damn it. The cure will be worse than the sickness.

  26. Roger,

    I read the article and also noted it came from a liberal magazine. I could also fine articles with the opposing view.

    I would agree there should be a bigger voice from the small business. Most of my friends that run there SB are more concerned about making pay role then getting involved with any organization.

    I have told them if there is a organization in place that you want more of a say in. Instead trying to tear it down help change it by getting involved. The more voices on the small business side of the chamber the better.

    Shit we may have found common ground. No I'm sure you will have a problem with what I said or how it's spelled.

  27. Iamhooser,

    I agree the tolls may be harder on people from Southern IN. I will be one of them I drive across the bridges everyday, sometimes several times a day.

    I have also been told the business in Clarksville are supported by Southern IN. residents and may even loose some business that go to the EE malls to shop. (No my wife is not my source).

    People in Southern IN. would more-likely stay on this side of the bridge to shop to avoid the tolls and that may help.

    If Southern IN. has something someone needs a $1 is not going to stop them. Our 7% sales tax hurts more.

    The big problem is that Large job creating companies are not moving into Southern IN. because of the traffic issues.

    People that work in downtown and in the EE of Lousville spend 30 to 45mins in traffic each morning and the same for those crossing the bridge going into Louisville in the afternoon (on I-65).

    The sickness is more of the same. Louisville and Southern IN. are falling behind. Is the cure new bridges, or bridges with tolls. I'm not sure.

    Again I don't want tolls, but I want the bridges. I say build the EE first and see if the rest is needed, but that ship has sailed. So I disagree that dying is better than a chance to get better no matter the risk.

  28. My opinion in the matter doesn't mean much--as Iamhoosier said, this isn't my blog. But also like Iamhoosier, I can't say I'm very comfortable with the outing. FWIW, I tend to stick to my first name because of a stalker ex who made some pretty scary threats against me. My habit has been to limit postings that identify my full name and location, though with a recent career change, I'm finding that increasingly difficult. Still, old habits die hard. But I would abide by Roger's rules (or simply not post if they were too onerous).

    VetteMan: You mention the inevitability of the ORBP. I think that's what pisses me off the most, and there was actually a post here not that long ago about it. Stemler and his cronies want us to just roll over and take whatever ass reaming they want to hand out without nary a word, to accept the project as inevitable and not speak out. Excuse me, what country is this again? Why the hell should we accept that kind of attitude from elected officials (Yarmuth, Abramson, Clere, Daniels, etc) much less unelected assholes?? Unelected assholes who almost surely stand to profit from this project and who, having no need to answer to the electorate, have absolutely no impetus to steer this project in a way that would benefit anyone but themselves. This should outrage everyone from liberal to libertarian. I'm looking forward to the day when they put their plans down on that official fucking letterhead and people really start to do the math on what this will cost them personally. I think (hope) the outrage will be so palpable that they will have to listen to us. But they won't if we just roll over like pussies like they want us to. Fuck that shit.

    And while your wife and many employees of 1si may not agree with Dalby, as long as he, Stemler, and his ORBP buddies are calling the shots on policy direction, people will increasingly associate them as only friends to bankers, developers, and fat cat ORBP people, no matter how much outreach they do with and for women and minority own businesses. It's painfully obvious that 1si as an organization doesn't give two shits about small businesses when they are lock step with the ORBP that they know damn good and well will hurt small business in Southern Indiana the most. It's hard enough to get Louisville people to cross the bridges now. Add a toll and see how much harder it becomes (even if it's "only" a dollar) and see what happens to small shops and restaurants over here when client base dries up. The river divides us as it is; toll bridges would completely separate us. For someone like Stemler who allegedly was a big proponent of regionalism in his time at 1si to think that tolls won't harm that regionalism is laughable.

    Also, if you truly think business aren't locating here because of a half hour commute, maybe you should try your hand at commutes in San Francisco (with plenty of tolls and toll booths to keep things backed up for miles) or Los Angeles. I've been to both places, and believe me, they'd laugh to hear you complaining about a half hour commute. Clearly the situation on the Kennedy is not ideal, but an East End bridge would go a long way toward ameliorating that. And without tolls.

  29. There is no doubt in my mind that tolls will be a horrific economic setback, especially to my clients who work across the river (which most do for little more than minimum wage), not to mention to students who reside in Indiana and enjoy resident tuition at UofL, Spalding, Sullivan, etc.

    However, as bad as tolls can be to anyone other than the upper crust, it still makes little sense to me to lose tempers and make sworn enemies out of those who may still be swayed to look at the smaller picture (that picture being the minimum wage workers, the students, the small businessmen and women). Where a state representative or senator may well still be on the fence about the issue in their minds, lost tempers may well indeed knock them off the fence, and change their mindset to one of "I'll show them, who cares if it costs me the next election, it will be worth it".

    The public beatings some have taken regarding this issue has been no less inciting than the clere vs. Cochran knife mailings a few years back.

    one can catch more flies with honey...

  30. Be careful VetteMan you will be accused of pontificating.

    The funny things is you are still as anonymous to me as you were before and it really doesn't make any difference.

  31. Hey Chris I've been wondering how you've been doning.

    Good to see your writing again


    You may be correct.

  33. Karen, said- "VetteMan: You mention the inevitability of the ORBP. I think that's what pisses me off the most"

    I guess I just realize some things I can't change. If it was up to most everyday people like me our you, they would agree with the EE first and only. There are so many in that end of Louisville some of whom are my clients who are fighting the bridge in the EE all together. John Yarmuth was on the board for the River fields area against the EE bridge. Now he is all or nothing. Who's pockets is he into.

  34. When it comes to the all-or-nothing bridges approach, Yarmuth and Clere are on the same page and have been the whole time both have been in office. Are you suggesting both are on the take?

  35. RememberCharlemagne said..."The funny things is you are still as anonymous to me as you were before and it really doesn't make any difference."

    I don't know you either and that's fine with me. I judge people for what they do and don't bring to the topic and how they honor or dishonor them self doing it.

  36. VetteMan: "I guess I just realize some things I can't change."

    Sure, if you just want to roll over and take what they have coming for you, then absolutely nothing will change. If, on the other hand, people actually stand up to them, well, that whole democracy thing might actually happen.

  37. HEY!

    I'm clairvoyant!

    Screw the bridges

    Buy local and ride your bicycle just like Rodger says.

    I'm sorry I can't relate to small businesses. I'm just trying to get buy and have small ambitions, and it's a shame that good people with larger ambitions are stifled by fat cats.

    I'm surprised your business has been affected by what people have said on here.

    Did mussel sales really go down when I mentioned what your cook said?

  38. Jeff, I have no proof,

    like Karen said " Why the hell should we accept that kind of attitude from elected officials (Yarmuth, Abramson, Clere, Daniels, etc) much less unelected assholes??"

    I lived in Louisville all my life except the last 5 years. He was against the EE Bridge as trustee to River Fields. This was until he became a congressman then he became all or nothing man.
    Yarmuth said he anticipates the Bridges Project to be funded through a combination of federal funds and tolling the existing bridges. While he noted that there might be opposition to tolling on this side of the river, Yarmuth said that most people in Southern Indiana are open to the idea if it's absolutely necessary.

    “The people over there will tell you that the people of Indiana have already been paying a toll—a toll of time—without getting anything in exchange,” he said.

    You may be fighting with people on the wrong side of the bridge.

  39. I've taken Yarmuth to task on the issue on Louisville forums. I take Clere and other Indiana politicos to task on Indiana forums.

    Yarmuth may or not play a role in securing federal funding via earmarks and has a bully pulpit. It's my understanding that Clere and Grooms get an actual vote on the funding mechanism. It's worth noting as well that (I'm pretty sure) KIPDA has to adopt whatever plan the authority puts forward as well in order for it to move forward. Communities on both sides of the river have representation on that body, appointed by locally elected officials.

    There are still many junctures at which the plan or project can can be altered or approved/disapproved. It's not settled business.

  40. Jeff: "It's worth noting as well that (I'm pretty sure) KIPDA has to adopt whatever plan the authority puts forward as well in order for it to move forward."

    Does that mean KIPDA *must* adopt whatever the ORBP people put out or that they just have to consider it? Though either way, I've kind of gotten the impression they're on board with whatever ORBP wants to do, but I haven't researched it very thoroughly.

    Jeff: "Communities on both sides of the river have representation on that body, appointed by locally elected officials"

    Hmmm if they're only appointed, then it sounds no better than the ORBP set up. Do they have more of a mandate to consider public opinion and/or are they more committed to a more "representative" type process than ORBP?

  41. Karen, the mayors are usually the official members, though they will often send an adviser in their place.

    Ultimately, who we elect as mayor in each Southern Indiana city will serve as a referendum for each city, sending a message at a minimum.

  42. Since I haven't left yet...

    Like you, I still don't "know" Vetteman. Unlike you, I think this episode is a perfect example of the deceit that anonymity enables.

    It's not so much that VM's wife is employed by 1SI, it's the numerous times that he mentioned that he didn't work for 1SI. Not a fib in the strictest sense but misleading as hell. He has a vested interest in 1SI both financially and emotionally. If he hadn't went so much out of his way to distance himself, maybe, just maybe I could understand. His anonymity(at the time)allowed him to mislead. It was and is relevant.

  43. What Jeff is trying to say Karen is the process if far from over and all this pre and post campaigning was all for not. A straw man.

    Would Mr. Gibson have changed his position on the ORBP if he would have won? We can only speculate but the fact that he supported tax caps makes me think he would have.

    That's the difference when it comes to facts, Jeff, I use facts to back up my opinions and I don't use facts to say my opinions are facts.

    Karen the more important race was the Mayor's race in Louisville, and Fisher was the strongest proponent of the ORBP as it now stands. Could Fisher replace three of the board members, thereby influencing the decision next year? I don't know. Jeff might know. Did Fisher promise Green a spot on the committee for his endorsement?

    That's what's so disappointing with NAC and their 1/2 truth coverage during the election. There was so much more when it came to the bridges but they didn't explore other perspectives.

    I do have to give credit where credit is deserved. It takes a lot of effort to write as much as they do for NAC. I guess quantity over quality is NAC's moto.

  44. Mark, I understand that anonymity is a problem with the internet.

    I prefer the veil because I'm more interested in what the person has to say and not who the person is. It is up to me to be responsible and find out if the person's message is truthful.

    I put the responsibility on me.

    How do we teach morality in a world of dark relativism?

  45. Jameson, you absolutely don't get it, do you?

    Advocacy over the bridges project and toll mattered and matters still today. It was not "for not."

    If you don't see that, there's little hope for you.

    That Ed Clere and Ron Grooms lent their full support to the ORBP as it lies on the table matters, too. They made it very clear where they stand on the issue - have Indiana residents pay for Kentucky's interchange problems and build an unnecessary bridge on the backs of Southern Indiana businesses and commuters. That will not be forgotten.

    As Roger said, we have no representation. I haven't had any since the spring; still waiting on Ed Clere to answer a simple constituent question about state tax revenue projections.

    Absent representation of our interests, we must represent ourselves, and vigorously.

    Pretending that advocacy was premature and pretending that the bridges were not a campaign issue of great importance is disingenuous and shows a severe lack of comprehension - or partisanship.

  46. The process is far from over.

  47. I'm not anymore interested in "who" a person is than you are. VM could have stated that he had some "relationship" with 1SI instead trying to make it look like he was a completely disinterested observer. Obviously, that was not the case. His message was misleading. How can that be up to me to decipher?

  48. Iamhooser said: "allowed him to mislead. It was and is relevant."

    I may have never said where my wife works, but Roger new who I was and where she worked. Only after they did not like my post showing they are misleading there readers.

    Show me some facts that I lied to anyone. I did not say where my wife works, but on the same level nor does anyone else. Lets see where everyones wife, kids, or family works. (that my be a goal over the next few weeks).

    The bottom line It took a coward to put up this post and tell who I was. As I've said it's not because of where she works it's who she and others that work there are. That's why I support 1Si.

    If Jeff was a real man he would have asked me to put up my name before he tried to get a big splash. What this shows is that there is no Honor in NAC. Like ROGER said it his Blog. He can change the rules if he wants.

  49. (Yawns. Stretches. Sips coffee. Gazes at a litter box, and automatically thinks of 1Si's public policy committee)

    The very reason I personally seek to operate in an arena of disclosure is that by deifnition, outing cannot occur when you're already out.

    (Scratches. Disables spellcheck. Sips more coffee. Throws another log on Ed Clere. Yawns)

  50. I couldn't be any happier than I am right at this moment. Well, OK, maybe a little, but's a pretty good moment.

  51. RemChan: "What Jeff is trying to say Karen is the process if far from over and all this pre and post campaigning was all for not. A straw man."

    I don't at all see Jeff saying fighting against bridge tolls and the current ORBP is a straw man and all for not. I'm seeing him suggest there are other venues we may be able to seek redress from if they fail to listen to public sentiment, but Jeff actually saying this was a straw man argument? Really?

    Also, I agree the Louisville mayor's race was very important, and I was disappointed in the outcome, though look how close it was. As to your question of whether Shane Gibson would have changed his opinion based on the fact that he supported property tax caps, I really don't know where you are going with that line of reasoning.

    As for the ORBP in general, you and I have had this debate before. You think that since the ORBP guys haven't written their plans on their official letter head, even though they've been telling media for months that they plan to toll us into oblivion to pay for their bloated pet project, that we should just twiddle our thumbs and wait and see what they have to "officially" say whenever they get around to "officially" saying it.

    I say fuck that. The longer we as a region sit around waiting to voice our opinions and concerns, the more entrenched they become in their plans and the more they think they have our tacit support for whatever they want to shove down our throats. Stemler has lied to the media saying everyone wants two bridges, even if they don't want tolls. He doesn't want to acknowledge polling that shows 87% of the region does not, in fact, want two bridges and a completely reworked 4 deck high Spaghetti Junction. He doesn't want to acknowledge that the part of the plan with greatest regional support is now that of building only the East End bridge. If we do have avenues of push back beyond the deaf-and-dumb ORBP board, so much the better, but sitting on our hands while they develop their plans will give them and anyone else associated with the project the impression that the public either doesn't care/doesn't have an opinion what happens or actively supports what they're planning. Given current polling, that's not the case at all, so I see no need to encourage that view on their part.

  52. We've concentrated on the tolling debacle, for the most part, with feints toward opposing the 3-parts of the project itself - that is, the ORBP says we MUST do all three parts now, and to do that, we MUST toll.

    We've also allowed their lackeys on the Bridges Authority to pretend that the tolls will be nominal, even though their financial consultants told them that they can charge well over $3 without negatively impacting their revenues - that is, they won't see people avoiding or evading the bridges completely until the price goes way beyond $3.

    What's getting lost in the rush to judgement are three things.

    1) It is a lie that the record of decision can't be changed or that a change would set the project back by 5 or more years.

    2) It is clear that the ultimate goal is to sell the bridges to a private contractor who will have no public oversight, but a cash cow.

    3) And this may be the most important aspect of their proposed financing plan: They intend to freeze local government revenue growth, no matter how much appreciation ensues from either inflation or actual increased real property value. How? By overlaying a TIF district over the whole region that would direct all new tax revenues to pay for their 3-headed monster.

    Build the Utica bridge now. No tolls, ever, under any circumstances.
