Friday, June 25, 2010

Dan Coffey slays the annexation dragon ... for now.

In our latest episode of "Shower After Filing," the Tribune's Chris Morris draws the short straw.

New Albany annexation suffers setback; Mayor plans to call another special meeting Tuesday

The New Albany City Council failed to approve a fiscal plan for the project by a 4 to 1 vote at a special meeting. The proposal needed five yes votes, and with four members absent, there was no room for a no vote.

Dan Coffey voted no while John Gonder, Bob Caesar, Pat McLaughlin and Kevin Zurschmiede voted for the fiscal plan. Jeff Gahan, Steve Price, Jack Messer and Diane McCartin-Benedetti were absent.
As Councilman Cappuccino contemplates updating his blog (moribund since April 4), Mayor England pledges another meeting, this time presumably sending squad cars to rope in the non-attendees.


  1. Bitch all you want to about Mr. Price but Dan Coffey is, by far, the biggest impediment to the betterment of New Albany.

  2. Bitch all you want about Dan Coffey, but this one isn't all on his back.

  3. Seldom is anything on just on person's back. Probably the same here. Still it doesn't change my overall opinion of Mr. Coffey's danger to the citizens of NA.
