Friday, June 25, 2010

Charred excitement across the alleyway, circa 1:00 a.m.

To my knowledge, there wasn't even a deep fryer in there.

It's at the rear of 1116 (1118?) E. Elm, with the 1117 ESSNA's official garbage receptacle visible on our side of the alley. Whether anyone currently lives at the house is unknown to me, but in seven years residing here, I've never seen a human being inside the ex-garage. Last summer I painted over graffiti on the garage door that was visible to us since the hurricane destroyed our privacy fence, and I recently had been considering going to cut the weeds and (perhaps) remove the turf from the gutters.

As we await the fire department's verdict ... and the clean-up?


  1. A couple of weeks ago, Uptown had a garage fire on the 1900 block of Oak, and every summer there seems to be a few garages torched around the neighborhood.

    I don't know if young vandals are to blame, but last year, across the street from me, a garage fire nearly burned down the neighboring house.

    Does anyone ever feel like this city is under siege?

  2. RemChar, Only if Steven Seagal shows up!

  3. that house is empty and for sale. the girl that used to live/rent there was never there.

  4. If they discount the place because of the fire is it a garage sale?
