Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Newton discovered it, we perfected it": Gravity Head 2010 starts Friday, February 26.

Here's a compendium of links that provide sufficient background to the forthcoming weekend's Gravity Head 2010 opening at the Pizzeria & Public House.

In 2010, I've taken the approach that pretty much everyone who cares to know about NABC's annual foray into mind-of-its-own hysteria, otherwise known as Gravity Head, already knows about it. Consequently, I've not been angling for publicity. It is what it is, and our customers know what that means.

Also, this year we've decided to take a slightly different approach as to festival management. The overall number of Gravity Head listed kegs is down 10% from 2009 (that's a first), and when the calendar turns into April, we'll reduce the number of festival taps and officially "end" Gravity Head, although untapped GH kegs will be poured until they're gone -- just from fewer spouts. This will dwindle eventually to one tap, from which a higher-gravity specialty will continue pouring year-round.

In this fashion, we can put more of our own NABC creations back on tap, sooner, and we'll also have room for the guest draft program retrofit that's been in the planning stages for a while. Look for old favorites and a more predictable rotation.

But first ... on Friday, February 26, Gravity Head 2010 jumps into gear with our third annual Gravity Tailgate Breakfast. In 2008, a hardy band of early-rising regulars convened for gravity breakfast with Terry Meiners of WHAS television in Louisville. In 2009, we tweaked the concept, and the template remains in effect in 2010.

Breakfast starts at 7:00 a.m., when it’s actually legal to drink beer in Hoosierland, although you certainly don't have to drink if you don't want to drink. There’ll be doughnuts, Sarah's breakfast frittatas, snacks and Ed Needham's home-roasted coffee. We'll segue into normal 11:00 a.m. opening hours, and go from there.

The links:

Enjoy Gravity Head 2010 and help Matt and Amy jump into the river to benefit the Special Olympics.

Download the 2010 Gravity Form.

Gravity Head starters having been named, vote now for the 17th and final keg (not firkin).

Starting lineup for Gravity Head 2010: "Newton discovered it, we perfected it."

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