Friday, October 23, 2009

A word from our sponsor: On tap at the Public House, and more.

You already know that I'm committed to the success of our business at its new downtown location, but sometimes I don't give proper due to what we're still doing on Plaza Drive. Accordingly, here's an update of the Public House scene:

Hops and smoke and Randall and what's on tap at the Public House.

Considering that I didn't even preview the six Belgians currently on tap at the Public House (including Chimay, St. Bernardus and Rodenbach Grand Cru), tell me:

Where (anywhere near here) is the draft lineup any better than this?

The answer is obvious, and having spent the past few weeks challenging my waistline with tastings at other establishments, our pizza is pretty damned good, too. Nothing against the competition; there's a place for us all.

Apologies if pointing this out publicly makes me a cocky bastard, but it puts the lie to anyone who says that it can't be done in New Albany. That idiotic Coffey/Price argument is finished, and needs to be buried before the stench grows any stronger.

While I'm at it: Thanks for coming, and we at NABC appreciate your patronage. I believe times are good, and they're about to get better.


  1. I've neglected the Pub since BSB opened. I feel bad about that. Actually, I even prefer the Pub's atmosphere. However, it sure is nice to have two such different choices that are top notch in their own way.

  2. I took the folks to the Public House a few weeks back and they like it better than the Brewhouse (not that they dislike BSB). I try to spread my time between both...
