Friday, October 23, 2009

NASH: "Trying to avoid being the biggest loser."

Matt hits very close to home today, as I've personally been going through the same "up and down" cycle with respect to health and fitness. As a professional beer drinker who has chosen beer/food pairings as his core area of concentration, I can tell you that even greater diligence is required to maintain a healthy regimen -- and I'm not joking, not a bit.

NASH: Trying to avoid being the biggest loser

My aim is to continue biking and outdoor walking as much as the winter weather allows, and to utilize the YMCA. We'll see how it goes. Kudos to Matt for a timely and universally relevant column.


  1. Roger,
    Some of our more local state parks have trails that are excellent hiking in the winter months, and offer a little more "resistance" than walking around the block or something.

  2. Indeed. We visited Charlestown State Park a few weeks ago, and have the trail map for future reference.

  3. I do believe it is trail 2 can provide a good work out, and the view of 13 mile creek is good during the winter.

  4. Don't forget loop island wetlands, no car required to get there.

  5. Charleston State Park is nice, as is Bernheim forest (KY) and Harrison state forest. And...don't forget that Cliffty Falls in Madison is only 50 mins or so away.
