Tuesday, August 25, 2009



  1. I guess I've been remiss. Mr. England, the current mayor of this burg, told me on Saturday that Spring Street, southwest of Vincennes, will continue as a two-lane street, with the modification of TWO bike lanes adjacent to the parking spaces southeast and northwest.

    Traffic calming? Yes.

    Lamentably, 2009 is not the year for the reversion to two-way traffic. Onward to a progressive future. 2010? Let us pray...

  2. For the record, from about Roger's house to State, the speed limit is 25 mph.

    Traffic speeds are much closer to that than before. With just the simple expedient of a few raised bumps, we can eliminate the morons driving down the parking lanes, assuming E. Spring is a FOUR-LANE.

  3. I can deal with the cyclist randy as long as they stay out of the car lanes. You want to slow traffic on spring? Let's split a Jenna jameson billboard

  4. I'm on board with that, Daniel. Jenna's not my type, but it would definitely slow traffic, if not calm it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You haven't been remiss. I'm just documenting. The way it's laid out, there are (roughly) two 7' parking lanes, two 5' bike lanes, and two 12' auto lanes.

    That leaves about four feet in the middle for a median when we reclaim two-way traffic and narrow the auto lanes to ~10 feet.

  7. Daniel,
    cyclist have as much right to the lanes as cars. Until bike lanes are available drivers need to get over it and respect that right. As for the billboard I will split it with you if we agree on which half I get.


  8. i don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, so please don't take it that way.

    as a long time cyclist, i'm pleased to see any attempt at bike lanes.

    The problem is that once again, it's pathetic planning and poor communication.

    the lanes no longer line up from one side of vincennes to the other, without even so much as a sign that says "lane pattern change". So the result is the bulk of New Albany lemmings are oblivious to the new pattern.

    You have the same problem once you cross state street and the lanes return to the original pattern, and once again near accidents occur.

    progress is great. progress without vision is confusion.
